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Hat in the Ring Download

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My son has a anew Computor and we have reinstalled OFF but on his old computer I had Downloaded Hat in the Ring. do I have to pay for that again.

DC Snr

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I wouldn't think so. Just move the download files from the old computer to the new (by burning to a DVD, or using a thumb-drive, or whatever) and run the HitR install on the new computer.

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There is the problem he had a cooling system in the computor that leaked and the hard drive was lost.

DC Snr

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I bought the OFF CD and then I downloded Hat in the Ring, I went to the URL you said and it said to download HITR again but it gives error 404,

I appreciate the help

DC Snr

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Hi Matadoor


Probably because it expired, the email would say a date limit, and number of attempts usually. If you bought Avangate's download insurance you would have 2 years of certain valid download and be OK.


The policy is mentioned several times on the website. We recommend you make a backup.

Here's one http://overflandersfields.com/FAQ#A38

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Sounds like you need to buy it again - but it isn't expensive.

And then, this time you better make yourself 2 copies, for such emergencies.

I speak from own bad experiences - now I have bought "Hat in the Ring" incl. that insurance (still have ca. 1 year);

plus making a copy on my external drive. Sorry for you, Matador.

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Matador I lost my hard drive and all my HITR files also recently. I repurchased HTIR because it was money well spent. I also remember when the dev team gave us OFF 1 and 2 for free unless you chose to give a donation. I figure the extra I spent was another donation for their continuing hard work. Their software is great and they stand behind it with great support. I also considered it a cheap lesson in learning to back up my hard drive. I lost alot of pictures that can never be replaced. So this time my hard drive is backed up!

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