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F-14A and FA-18A SKINS Help

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Ok guys i have an F-14A Tomcat and theirs some skins i wanna get it like the VF-111 VF-32 VF-142 VF-213 and the skins for the maverick and ice man tomcat just say all the F-14 tomcat skins on column 5 and all the F\A-18A SKINS i have 7-Zip file manager how do i get the skins

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They come with a readme and should tell you how to install them. All your posts are very cryptic and it seems you do not read the instructions on how to use anything you download. No one is going to want to help you unless you give more detailed information of the problems you are having. I mean if you can t read the install instruction, what makes you think you will understand the same information if its reposted here. In other words help us help you.

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And there also is something like a knowledge base. Placing EVERY issue you have (without interpunctuation, aarrrgghh...)

here clogs the system a bit, and most questions have been asked before. Try to do a thorough search,

and enjoy your flight time with Tk's sims and the CombatAce community.





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