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Cat File for WOE

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I am interested in obtaining the Vietnam map from WOV to import into my WOE. Does the Cat file included in WOE contain the map and terrain data as well as textures, objects, etc?<BR><BR>I know it has various other types of information as I was able to create an A-4 aircraft just merely by going into the cat file and pulling the proper INI and config files. While WOE won't utilize the carriers, I may be able to download campaigns for WOV to utilize them.

Edited by TheStig

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No, you have to buy WOV.

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like Eric said, you have to have WoV to get the VietnamSEA terrain.


Once you have it, however, it's a simple matter to copy/paste it into your WoE install.


Also, iirc, it's the only 1stGen game you can merge (WoV --> WoE).



kevin stein

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You could also download a Vietnam terrain. Look for DRV terrain for instance.

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