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Thanksgiving in the U.S.!

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I for one am thankful for OFF and all the people on this lovely forum. Hear hear :drinks:. What's everyone up to this weekend? I for one will be eating, working off the eating, spending time with the wife, and shooting down Boche machines. For those chaps outside the U.S. who don't observe the annual banquet... maybe take some time off work anyway!


Yes I'm taking a break from writing this term paper due at midnight tonight. Frankly I'd rather be at home in my cockpit having my starboard wing shot off by an Albatros...

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I for one am thankful for OFF and all the people on this lovely forum. Hear hear :drinks:. What's everyone up to this weekend? I for one will be eating, working off the eating, spending time with the wife, and shooting down Boche machines. For those chaps outside the U.S. who don't observe the annual banquet... maybe take some time off work anyway!


Yes I'm taking a break from writing this term paper due at midnight tonight. Frankly I'd rather be at home in my cockpit having my starboard wing shot off by an Albatros...


Happy Thanksgiving to you too Javito1986. Don't forget to get a nap in. With term papers it sounds like you earned it.




PS I am enjoying a Leinenkugel from Wisconsin at this very moment!

Edited by Crossbones

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Happy Thanksgiving Javito and Crossbones, and to all my American compatriots. May your travels be safe, your turkeys well roasted, and your friends and family near. I have more things than I can count to be thankful for, and one of them is indeed you fine folks here at the OFF forums. Let's reflect on all the blessing we each have in our lives, thank God for them all, and drink a toast to our own good fortunes whatever they may be.









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Hear, Hear! Well said Lou!


A toast to all my brother pilots south of the border! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!








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Happy Thanksgiving though I don't celebrate it, being English and all that, have a good time and have fun... :drinks:

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Even if you're not American and don't formally celebrate it, any time is a good time to give thanks for your blessings! I would feel a little more blessed if someone else was doing the cooking thoughgrin.gif!

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I echo Slarti's comment!...have a good one, don't get too drunk, and if you do..LEAVE the Car at home!

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