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Special Thanks to RAF_Louvert

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I had to write you a note of thanks for sharing your WWI aviation library. I had not seen these posted until today and I'm in the process of downloading them. Set 1 looks brilliant and I'm really looking forward to reading these volumes. It's just too bad that I'll be away from my PC for winter break and I don't have access to a Kindle or else I'd take the whole collection with me.


Many thanks again, this is a HUGE contribution to the community. Cheers! :drinks:

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Indeed it is..and Lou is also a great contributor to the fun of the Forum :salute:

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I can only ditto the above, so - ditto! :drinks:

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All round top bloke... glad to have made his acquaintance even in this small manner.

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CaptSopwith, you are more than welcome Sir, and thank you. Anything I can do to share the wealth of excellent writing out there that pertains to our shared intrests here is my pleasure. And to WM, Olham, Carrick, TaillyHo and Dej, thanks as well for the raised glasses. Now who's going to top off mine!




BTW, I've another set of books nearly collected together that I hope to be uploading in the next week or so.



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