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Ah, there you are, OvS!

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...I was beginning to miss your humour here, old chap! But now you're there - good to see you!



Edited by Olham

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...I'm beginning to miss your humour here, old chap! Come on - an occasional "hello" won't kill you?







You could always send him a PM asking if he is ok, and if it is ok to let the other forumites know what is happening with him/what he is doing at the moment.


That is what I did with Homeboy.




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He'll be busy skinning my Snipe (i hope)


Though he normally does the Hun kites doesn't he?

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Snipe... bleech!!!


I'm fine, just hammer with RL and yes... back to skinning for P4. I received all the PM's and sorry I have not been able to reply, it's always crazy in my house from September straight through to January... from school, to 3 birthdays (this yea was my sister-in-law's 50th, so I was 'contracted' - for those that are married you know how that goes... you WILL do this for me, right? - to make her the 20 min slide show on DVD) flew down to Florida as a surprise for her with the fam, then Thanksgiving, wife's B-day... etc.. etc.. etc... jeeze...


So I'm here. Ohlam, I have you're corrections listed and awaiting to be done. I have not yet gotten to them but as long as I have them in PM form, I can go back and reference them.


As for everything else... all is good... fam is good, I'm good... the Jets suck and then there's THIS..... a completely fictitious skin I decided to make, but then came across the real scheme for the pilot, so I ditched it. :) But this is the new Fokker D.VII.... not tellin' ya what Jasta it is though... flying over standard P3 scenery NOT P4!!!! So this shot is no more important than any other skinner having fun. Just thought you'd like to see the new ride. ;)



Thanks for thinking about me though... I actually had one of those days at work where you just want to tell everyone to go 'F' themselves and walk-out. Like they say, you're stuck workin' with them unless you quit.




post-45836-018595100 1291754741.jpg

Edited by OvS

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Gorgeous Skin OvS...the weathering is perfection!....glad you're doing well :drinks:

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Wow, gorgeous skinning work as always, mate! Bet your glad not to have to deal with a 256 colour palette anymore! :clapping:

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Glad to see you're still okay and fine (a man who can still get so upset about his work place, must be in good condition).

Yeah, some parts of the year, everything comes together. Don't let them take your humour away, OvS!


Great job on that skin, and as Widowmaker said: very good weathering.

I'd guess, it's not from a Jasta by name, but rather from a unit with a different shortcut - but I won't tell.


I must say, I admire your endurance, James - take care, and have a good ride on your Harley,

when you need good headwinds to blow your mind clear.

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Wow, gorgeous skinning work as always, mate! Bet your glad not to have to deal with a 256 colour palette anymore! :clapping:



LOL! You have no idea. I was 'helping' some old RB3D guys try and put together some sort of new patch for the old bird called Redux, and to be honest, seeing it flying again just turned me off completely. I mean, it's nice and all, and it's nostalgic, but it simply just doesn't tickle my fancy to think about all the headaches I went through to make all those tiny skins... then to have to reformat them to the lame 256 color palette of RB3D, Forget it.


It's nice to be back working on the Fokkers and having fun with them. All I can tell you about the P4 skins is LOOK CLOSELY!!! There are things you are about to see on our planes that have never been seen before in any sim. Variations, matching serial numbers, correct pattern orientations, correct pattern selections.. etc.. etc. For the true lover of history, OFF is quickly becoming the modern 're-enactment' of WWI airial combat. If you want to just jump into a Fokker D.VII and fly it... well, you have other options for that... but if you want to jump into an OAW built Fokker, sporting the correct cowling style for it's serial number series, with the correct Lozenge pattern and wing tape color for the manufacturer... (as close as wel could humanly get with this sim) ... then you need to fly OFF. :)


All the best,



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I wouldn't be surprised, if one day..places like the Imperial War Museum get in touch with you guys!...they could learn a lot!

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OvS: ... then you need to fly OFF. :)


James - that is the very reason why I do. Your post should be made a commercial advert, to reach those who didn't know yet.

Edited by Olham

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LOL! You have no idea. I was 'helping' some old RB3D guys try and put together some sort of new patch for the old bird called Redux, and to be honest, seeing it flying again just turned me off completely. I mean, it's nice and all, and it's nostalgic, but it simply just doesn't tickle my fancy to think about all the headaches I went through to make all those tiny skins... then to have to reformat them to the lame 256 color palette of RB3D, Forget it.


It's nice to be back working on the Fokkers and having fun with them. All I can tell you about the P4 skins is LOOK CLOSELY!!! There are things you are about to see on our planes that have never been seen before in any sim. Variations, matching serial numbers, correct pattern orientations, correct pattern selections.. etc.. etc. For the true lover of history, OFF is quickly becoming the modern 're-enactment' of WWI airial combat. If you want to just jump into a Fokker D.VII and fly it... well, you have other options for that... but if you want to jump into an OAW built Fokker, sporting the correct cowling style for it's serial number series, with the correct Lozenge pattern and wing tape color for the manufacturer... (as close as wel could humanly get with this sim) ... then you need to fly OFF. :)


All the best,




I visited home for the first time in a while, and came back with the old Dell computer I first played RBII on all those years ago. I fired it up and hooked up my joystick. It was a great feeling. But as you said, it was nostalgic. There was no immersion, there was no suspension of belief. There was only the feeling of "wow, look at the old gal run. We've come a long way." And we really have.


I imagine that for you, moving from RBII to OFF was like going from painting postage stamps to having a full canvas to work with. The attention to detail that you guys bring to the game is simply remarkable. I'm a so-called "expert" in the field - at least in the eyes of academia. I'm working on a thesis and I read about the period all the time - but you guys have an encyclopedic knowledge of the bits and pieces of the war that leaves me floored every time.


I'm really looking forward to P4 and seeing what comes next. And hey, with any luck it will run on the hardware I've got - cause as a grad student, I certainly can't afford anything new! :lol:


I'm glad to hear you're doing well mate. You and the rest of the old-timers are thought of frequently. We all go way back, and hopefully, way into the future as well! :drinks:

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He'll be busy skinning my Snipe (i hope)


Though he normally does the Hun kites doesn't he?


Not unless you want it covered in all that flashy paint - you know what they're like - Personally I'm hoping the Snipe comes my way - besides we British have a certain sense of understatement don't we :cool:

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If you call it understatement, when you paint a kite either darkgreen or darkbrown - yes, you have! :grin:

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It's nice to be back working on the Fokkers and having fun with them. All I can tell you about the P4 skins is LOOK CLOSELY!!! There are things you are about to see on our planes that have never been seen before in any sim. Variations, matching serial numbers, correct pattern orientations, correct pattern selections.. etc.. etc. For the true lover of history, OFF is quickly becoming the modern 're-enactment' of WWI airial combat. If you want to just jump into a Fokker D.VII and fly it... well, you have other options for that... but if you want to jump into an OAW built Fokker, sporting the correct cowling style for it's serial number series, with the correct Lozenge pattern and wing tape color for the manufacturer... (as close as wel could humanly get with this sim) ... then you need to fly OFF. :)


All the best,




Excellent! I look forward to seeing this level of detail and accuracy applied to the Albatros Ds, too.

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Excellent! I look forward to seeing this level of detail and accuracy applied to the Albatros Ds, too.


Paarma put in a lot of time into his Albs of recent. He wanted to nail down the lozenge to a better pattern and get the whole overall looks tighter, taking advantage of the higher resolution OFF can offer the user.


I have not seen the results as he's been busy on other OFF matter, but I know his work, and I know it will look amazing for sure.


All the best.



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Not unless you want it covered in all that flashy paint - you know what they're like - Personally I'm hoping the Snipe comes my way - besides we British have a certain sense of understatement don't we :cool:


I hope they come your way too Sandbagger!...I remember the series of SE5a Skins you posted on the Forum once!...would certainly give those Hun's a run for their money on the colourful stakes!!



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