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Single year aircraft

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I was an early adopter of Expansion pack2 and I seem to have developed an odd problem. Some of the later third party aircraft now do not have a service date range. They are available for the since year noted in the ServiseStartYear attribute but ignore the ServiceEndYear value. This seems to affect more modern aircraft. For example my A-4G Skyhawk is fine, but my RAAF FA-18s aren't, only being available in 1984 or 2003. Bizarrely, my RAAF F-111 (early) has a date range, while the F-111C (Late) doesn't.


They all worked fine before, and the same aircraft work fine in a non-expansion pack install.


Has anyone else seen this or is it just me?

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Open the Options.ini


Scroll down to:




And adjust EndYear to something like that below




And you'll get your service dates working again.

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Is this even in the right forum?? There is no Exp2 for 1stGen 3W games



kevin stein

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Thanks EricJ - changing the SingleMission end date from 0 to 2050 worked a treat and my aircraft are now all ship-shape and terrific again. You are, sir, a dead-set legend and I won't hear a word to the contrary!


My date problem would appear not to be an Expansion pack 2 issue. It also wasn't a Gen 1 issue, so thanks to Wrench and Fast Cargo for moving it to the right place! My bad!


I have been flying SF2 for exactly a year, and the forums and help on Combat Ace really provide valuable assistance. I appreciate all the effort you guys go to.

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in the root of each mods folder ie (Win7/Vista shown):


C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Options.ini



kevin stein

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I have no user named kevin on my PC!! :shok: Quick, I need you to come to my house and log on so I can get that!

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JediMaster - <waves hand in air> "These are not the user folders you are looking for. You can go about your business"

Edited by harryleith

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:lol::rofl: Good One, harryleith!!


Well, I could use a change of scenery.....



kevin stein

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