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I am writing some single missions for playing fun myself. It would be nice to have some SAm threats.

But after the Oct 2008 patch, SFP1 / WO* do not like Bunyap's weapon pack.


If I add the SAMs downloaded from Ground Object Mods, what do I need? I tried something called AKASH SAM, it never fires.

I remember I need to change it to Mobile AAA but it s not working that way...


Can you pont me to some thread or give me some guidleline about how to add these separate SAM and make it work in general?



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the old buny pak is an 06 patch level weapons pak. It will work in 08 levels, PROVIDED you run the weaponsdata ini through the 08 level weapons editor.


BTW, this is covered in our handy-dandy, ever ingorned Knowledge Base. Look for a thread entitles "Things You Need to Update" or words to that effect.


Also, start researching/searching here for "networked SAMS / air defense units". Google is also a good place to start.


As to placing them; start learing HOW to rebuild terrain targets inis. They need to be hand placed, in their batteries with the supporting search and fire control radars.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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the old buny pak is an 06 patch level weapons pak. It will work in 08 levels, PROVIDED you run the weaponsdata ini through the 08 level weapons editor.


BTW, this is covered in our handy-dandy, ever ingorned Knowledge Base. Look for a thread entitles "Things You Need to Update" or words to that effect.


Also, start researching/searching here for "networked SAMS / air defense units". Google is also a good place to start.


As to placing them; start learing HOW to rebuild terrain targets inis. They need to be hand placed, in their batteries with the supporting search and fire control radars.



kevin stein


Thanks Wrench. I will proceed to the Bunyap then.


About the SAM and Terrain targets, I have tried that before but it was a long time ago.


Just out of curiosity, is the SAM batteries linked up like a GCI network in Jane's F/A-18? So node A will wake up node B...etc.?

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The only way to get that effect is having the NetworkType=SA-6 but nothing like a coomprehensive IADS system. TK's games are pretty lite as far as AI is concerned, and don't get as in-depth.

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I have read other threads, one thing I can't figure out.


You have these to describe the location of the units:















Now how the games know which SAMRadar to pick from, there are SpponRest, FlatFace...etc and for SAMLauncher there are SA-3DL SA-7,..etc


I tried this mission I made for myself, ran it the first time SpoonRest came up, the SA-3 fired. The second time I ran it, PRV Sidenet came up I guess this is the radar too, and the SA-3 fired. The game picks up radar randomly?

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That's the purpose of networking. To ensure that SAM radars and SAM launchers that belong together, show up as a unit.

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That's the purpose of networking. To ensure that SAM radars and SAM launchers that belong together, show up as a unit.




I still dont understand. Experimenting for hours. SA-3 Static SAM are all over the place but not the FlatFace radar, just Spoonrest....it's like lottery


how do I set it up such that FlatFace surely shows up?

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Depending on the terrain, WHY are you adding SAMs???? There's plenty of Soviet/WarPac AD units all over the stock maps.

I can also tell you with 100% certainty, that MANY of the add-on terrains have MORE than enough Red AD units, and a good deal of Blue AD units.

I should know ... I'm the guy that put them there. The _targets.ini has all the stuff already plotted and loaded (the only exceptions I haven't touched are the Desert GermanyCE and VietnamSEA; other folks have done those)


Have you actually LOOKED into the objects data inis??? I'll bet real money that you'll find some are "EW_RADAR" and others are "SAM_RADAR". How they are places is also defined via the terrains _targets AND _types inis.


FYI, the SA-7, Stingers and other MANPADS are classed as "STATIC_AAA". Again, start studying the objects data inis. With some work, it'll all become clear



kevin stein

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thanks for your pointers.

I like to answer why I am doing this.

You see, when you plot a route for your flight groups, it would be nice to place a couple of SAM in between.


a little while ago, I donwloaded MiG-21 packs, very cool. I like the RWR sound. And I put a couple of f-104 to dogfight with me. Not much fun. hard to turn for myself. no joy.


So I changed to MiG-19, and fownlaoded F-86, so I played the Russian, and dogfight the Sabre. Good fun big time I managed to kill a couiple of them Swap role and play sabre vs Farmer.


Then I feel I need some threats to make the expertience more exicting. And that where i ended up with the thougths of putting sam in.


I didn't realize it takes so much knowledge and work to add them


I googled and found some threads back in 2008 and read them thriough. Then experimenting them.


The spot where I chose to dogfight is near Grid 14^3 near P2 Airfield, I love the mountains that looik gorgeous. That's where I wanna to put the SAM in.


Question: if I add a target area tot he Target.ini file, with your recommended preset are there any rules: there is no way for to specify SA-2 to put in the file....and how about if I want SA-3 to be added? The file only accepts Type=AAA or Type=SAMLauncher and Type=SAMRadar.


I have just caught this one via google http://combatace.com/topic/34895-wov-target-object-placement-interface-tool-wip/page__st__80__gopid__459561

When is it coming out?

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If you hardcode a specific SAM-type and it's supporting radar onto a terrain, you'll never recieve a RHAW warning when it acquires and launches at you. It's a limitation of the series, and no one but the developer can fix that. And don't count on that happening.... SFP1,WoV, and WoE reached their end-of-life update cycle in 2008.

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If you hardcode a specific SAM-type and it's supporting radar onto a terrain, you'll never recieve a RHAW warning when it acquires and launches at you. It's a limitation of the series, and no one but the developer can fix that. And don't count on that happening.... SFP1,WoV, and WoE reached their end-of-life update cycle in 2008.

why is it every time I ran the same mission, thegame gives me a different SAM, firstt ime, it's SA-2, they fiire alright. the seocnd time it gives me SA-3 only the Single Luancgher fire not the Quad nor the Double.

how the game decides which SAM every time I run the same mission?

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The game randomly selects what SAM depending what's available during that time period. You can go into the GroundObjects and remove the SAMs you don't want to make it easier. Which is why I like SF2. For example on my Afghan map I deal only with Stingers during my time period I like to fly (2010). 2001 and earlier I have to deal with SA-2s. Then again I modded my USERLIST so I only deal with the Stinger, and oh yeah, SA-7s on occasion, but never have to worry about that stuff.

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The word, and action, you're searching for is....








it's just how it is, when using the 'generic' terms.


ie: game limitation. live with it, just like the rest of us (expecially us terrain engineers)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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The game randomly selects what SAM depending what's available during that time period. You can go into the GroundObjects and remove the SAMs you don't want to make it easier. Which is why I like SF2. For example on my Afghan map I deal only with Stingers during my time period I like to fly (2010). 2001 and earlier I have to deal with SA-2s. Then again I modded my USERLIST so I only deal with the Stinger, and oh yeah, SA-7s on occasion, but never have to worry about that stuff.

You mean SF2 gives us a totally different environemnt?


The word, and action, you're searching for is....








it's just how it is, when using the 'generic' terms.


ie: game limitation. live with it, just like the rest of us (expecially us terrain engineers)



kevin stein



Why SA-3 Quad Launcher and DoubleLauncher only locked on me but they nere fire?? I mean the SAM Radar locked on me, but the launcher never fires???

The same to the HAWK!

What do I miss?

Can you alos tell me what is the ActiveYear for?

Edited by Fuza

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Yup, so as said, my Afghan map install I only have the nations of Taliban and Afghanistan, so anything that the Taliban "nation" and Afghanistan uses during that period, would be used against me. However, I can also make some "What If" scenarios by designating for example, the Tor (SA-15) used by either the Tban or Afghanistan, and therefore would show up opposing me. Which is why I enjoy SF2 more, you have more options to do what you want.

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You mean SF2 gives us a totally different environemnt?





Why SA-3 Quad Launcher and DoubleLauncher only locked on me but they nere fire?? I mean the SAM Radar locked on me, but the launcher never fires???

The same to the HAWK!

What do I miss?

Can you alos tell me what is the ActiveYear for?


Which SA-3 do you have installed? Which Hawk do have installed? What weapons pack do you have installed? When you say ActiveYear, what file is that entry showing up in? Lastly are you flying blue or red? Because Hawks are blue and SA-3's are red, so depending on what aircraft you're flying, one them is never going to lock or fire at you.


In general, you need to include more specific information when you post questions, so people can help you. Also, I would suggest (as others already have) just reading through and following these forums for a while (especially the knowledge base!!!), as well as just extracting files from the .cat files and looking through them to understand how the game works. Maybe download something like Nato Fighters 4 (don't necessarily install it - just unpack it somewhere and have a look at it) and look through the files there to see what people have done to implement different things in game. The Strike Fighters series requires baby steps and patience to learn how to mod.


Good luck!

Edited by malibu43

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I need luck!

My feeling is: "I enjoy the process of exploring the inner secrets of this game":idea::rofl:

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In this video,


the AAA is very lively.

No wonder people say SF2 is great:drinks:


pity i dont have extra money to spend on it!:boredom:

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In this video,


the AAA is very lively.

No wonder people say SF2 is great:drinks:


pity i dont have extra money to spend on it!:boredom:


Can't Edit the original post, so I add this reply


(I missed the link before)

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