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Best engine sounds in the game

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i love engine sounds from jets and here's my top 3 in the game. Post your top 3. :clapping:

1. Razbam banshee

2. AFX

3. J-6

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I'm more of a 2nd Gen jet guy, so to me the engine sounds for the F-4G and the F-14 are the coolest!!!!



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I like the stock A-4 and F-104 engine sounds and also the VK-1 add-on engine sound. At one time, all of my 'red' aircraft had the VK-1 engine sound and it's really cool to hear the contrasting engine note when they are close, unlike the stock engine sounds.

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Early development sound fx for KaW, using test models:

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Nice fubar. when a plane accelerates upward, will you make the engine sound a higher pitch. One of the AFX or fictional jets here does that. I was flying it last night but it was an raf one but not the afx jet. But it made that sound when acclerating upward to escape flak.

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A jet-aircraft's engine sound has absolutely nothing to do with "accelerating upward". Its sound (as percieved by someone standing outside) changes in pitch according to turbine RPM, the shape of the inlet and the exhaust, and doppler effect (among many other varibles).

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