Ruggbutt 45 Posted December 21, 2010 HOTAS Hands On Throttle And Stick. The HOTAS can do many important functions in the cockpit without having to look down. It's how fighter pilots control their aircraft while keeping their heads out of their cockpit, increasing their situational awareness. It decreases workload. How can that help the virtual pilot? As computers get more powerful flight sims are becoming more complicated to navigate in. Even the most simple of flight sims has dozens of commands that need to be chosen quickly. There's an urgency. Looking down at your keyboard and remembering the right sequence comes only with lots of virtual flight hours under your belt. Many of us have a "cheat sheet" we rely on because time can be of the essence in a virtual dogfight. There are several offerings of HOTAS available to us flight simmers. Some are inexpensive and some are (IMHO) overpriced and over-hyped. You can buy a joystick for as low as $30 or spend $600 or more on an old design heavily modified by aftermarket offerings. I'm going to review a tried and true design that has had longevity in the market for at least a decade. I'll explain the capabilities of the software as well, a good HOTAS isn't just a pretty piece of hardware. CH Products CH Products is located in Vista, California. It's literally in the shadow of Camp Pendleton. I say this because it's a product that's made in the U.S.A. They've competed with products produced cheaper elsewhere and still are a driving force in the market. There are several reasons why this is, and I'll get more into detail about that later. One thing that most people don't realize is that CH also produces joysticks for real aircraft. They produce commerical controllers for industry as well. If you've played a video game with some kind of joystick controller in an arcade you've most likely had your hands on CH Products. Requesting units for Evaluation I contacted Debby McDowell at CH Products and requested a Fighterstick and Pro Throttle for evaluation. The response was quick and a request back for my home address. I received the Fighterstick (FS) and Pro Throttle (PT) within a few days. That is by far the quickest I've ever received a unit for evaluation, including some that I paid for with my credit card! I'd like to say that I've heard that CH is on top of things customer related. I've had experience with CH Products in the past so it's much more than something I've heard. I've experienced it. More on that later. My history with CH I own several CH Controllers, the FS and PT being two of them. I'm a member of CH Products forums, the CH Hangar. I've uploaded profiles for the community as well as providing custom graphics for those that have purchased one of CH's MFP units. As a CH owner I've found the CH Hangar (or to us cool kids: The Hangar) to be one of the best resources available for programming the CH controllers. Since I've had my current CH HOTAS for 6 years I thought long and hard about what was the best way to do a review for CH Products. I've gone through more joysticks and HOTAS than I can shake a stick at. Some lasting only months. Unpacking I opened the boxes with the new controllers and found that nothing had changed with the packaging. It was the same as mine had been 6 years ago. I double checked to be sure, I still have my original CH Products boxes. The controllers haven't changed in appearance. They look identical to the ones I own. Software - CH Control Manager CH Products isn't just about hardware. A good HOTAS has programmable software that will allow you to customize which button/hat sends which commands to your game. CH's sofware is called Control Manager (CM). It's an extremely versatile software that allows the user to do everything from programming simple keystrokes and macros to full blown scripting of how your CH Products controller operates. Any new software can be overwhelming to the new user. I've helped out countless people over the years who had questions about how to do this or that with CH Control Manager. I've also been the guy who needed help and guidance. I found it at The Hangar. Bob Church, the creator of Control Manager was often one of the guys who answered my questions. He would carefully explain how and why things worked the way they did. He also offered scripting examples. If you dowload one of my profiles at The Hangar you'll see I have heavily scripted my controllers and Bob is just one of the guys there that has helped me learn how to use Control Manager. There are a few others as well, and I feel I have to name them by name: Ken "Ghost" King, Ulf, Michael CH (he works for them) and Revvin (who is the owner of The Hangar) are just a few. The answers always came quickly. Some answers I got in an hour or two. The worlds record for the longest wait (for me) was 18 hours! I've never seen this kind of tech support from anyone, regardless of whether they make shoes or computer gear. Where else can you talk to the guy who wrote the software? I dare say, nowhere. Except The Hangar......... It's time for some examples of what scripting can do for you. Some don't fully understand what scripting is, so I'll give you the quick and the dirty. With scripting you can make a controller do something that isn't programmed for in the sim. For instance, I fly fast movers (jets) in the sims I own. I can't count how many times I'd forgotten to drop my airbrake over the years. That is, until I learned about scripting. I now have a script running in CH Control Manager that will automatically drop my airbrake if I move the throttle all the way forward. No more flying around in afterburner at 350 knots wondering what the heck is wrong with my jet..........Another example, programmed countermeasures: The main sim I fly has offerings of chaff, flare or chaff/flare on a toggle. I wanted something more along the lines of what the real jets can do so I scripted my Control Manager profile so that I can release a set amount of countermeasures in a set amount of time. One setting is 4 pairs of flares, one second apart. Instead of having to program the flare button and press it myself 4 times, I have it scripted so that once 4 pairs are dropped in the correct spacing the script stops. I also have another hat switch programmed that will release 4 pairs of flares and 4 chaff bundles 100 milliseconds apart. I start the sequence and it automatically stops. In the sim I fly when using wheel brakes there's only off and on for brakes. I have a script for that as well. When I press the wheel brakes on my CH Pro Pedals I get the equivalent of pressure sensitive braking. I press the brakes down 1/4 of the way and the script sends the wheel brake command 10 times a second to the game. I press halfway down it sends the command 15 times a second. 3/4 of the way, 20x a second and if I press the pedals all the way it sends the braking command constantly, as if I'd locked up the brakes. "I don't care about scripting" What about those people who don't want to mess around with scripting, what can Control Manager do for them? There's plenty. Control Manager by default has DX (Direct X) commands mapped, so you can program just a few buttons/hats while using default mapping for the sims you fly. You don't have to install Control Manager if you don't want to, the CH Products controllers are plug and play. You'll want to install Control Manager, trust me. You'll also want to peruse the fantastic Control Manager for Dummies guide that Ken "Ghost" King created. It's available on The Hangar. There are several different ways to program your hardware. You can use a CMC file for example. A CMC file is a text document that has all the available commands for your game/sim. You create a new profile by choosing from a list what hardware you have and you assign the CMC file to that profile. You can then pull down commands from the CMC file and assign them to the button/hat of your choosing. Say that flaps down is CTRL F, you don't have to remember that when you're programming. You choose the hat or button you want to program, right click and choose "Flaps Down" from the list of commands. You can download a CMC file for just about any sim made, they're all at The Hangar. You can also right click and choose to record your keystrokes and hit your control and f keys. You can also choose a "List Mode" to program your commands. Let's say you want to use your castle hat-right to send a zoom command, but your sim has two (or more) levels of zoom. Program them one at a time in List Mode. The castle hat right with repeated key presses will scroll through all your zoom levels and back to no zoom if you like. It couldn't be easier and with all the help available at The Hangar you'll be up and running in no time. Installation Installing Control Manager is a cinch. Go to the CH Products website and download the newest version Control Manager. They don't provide a CD with the software because often it will be an older version as Bob Church updates Control Manager regularly. You can run Control Manager with XP, Vista, Windows 7 in both 32 and 64 bit. Control Manager was first retail sim controller software to be available for the new OS platforms. CH and Bob are about leaving no customer left out. To install the software make sure your controllers are unplugged. Install the software and follow the prompts. Drivers will be installed. Then plug in the hardware. If you're using a USB Hub make sure you're using a powered hub. I'm running 5 CH controllers off of a 7 port Belkin powered hub and they never lose power. Once you've plugged in your controllers more drivers will be installed. You'll get confirmation that your hardware was installed correctly. Hardware CH's Fighterstick and ProThrottle are made of a glass filled polymer. Some folks call it "plastic" but that's like saying a Ferrari is just a car. Remember earlier when I told you that CH makes joysticks for real aircraft? It's not just "plastic" folks. I've dropped my Fighterstick several times from counter top height to the tile floor. There was no damage to the stick. CH uses quality parts in their controllers. They use high end pots (potentiometers) and switches rated for an extremely high amount of cycles. Don't let the word "pots" scare you away. Some of the competition likes to tout the fact that they're using "Hall Effect Sensors" in their hardware. They say that Hall Sensors are more "accurate" than pots. Maybe cheapie pots...... I have a 1961 Fender Stratocaster guitar. I played as a professional musician for 13 years and not once have I had to replace a pot in my Strat. That's because Fender used quality pots in the construction of that guitar. CH uses quality pots as well. There's no way they'd have survived 6 years of my abuse if they didn't. I used to own an X-45 HOTAS. At the time CompUSA sold warranties on them for about $25. It's a good thing I bought the warranty because I went through 3 of them in a year. Their cheapie pots kept dying on me. CH is more than just tough on the outside, it's about tough on the inside as well. Once in a while their hardware breaks. I've seen people post at The Hangar asking how to warranty their hardware. Often a warranty rep will handle that right from the forums at The Hangar. If you need to speak to a rep you can reach him on the phone. There's very little time left on hold when you call. They want to help you, they don't treat it like a chore. And their warranty? Two years!!! There's no other HOTAS manufacturer out there that offers that kind of warranty. Old v New, Calibration Test I mulled over what's the best way to show prospective customers how reliable CH Products are. There are plenty of people who post at The Hangar that have had their controllers for years. I picked my brain for several weeks before I came up with the (obvious) answer! I requested a pair of brand new controllers that I would pit against my 6 year old controllers. I hadn't handled a new CH Fighterstick/Pro Throttle for many years so I was excited when my new package arrived. My criteria for comparison would be simple: I would test each controller side by side against each other for "feel". I wanted to test dead zones, spring resistance, etc between old and new. Then I would plug both in, run a calibration test on them and check the pots for spiking. In CH Control Manager when you calibrate you move your controller and the movement is shown not only in a digital graph but by numerical value. The value range is from 0-255. For example, when the Fighterstick is centered, at rest both X and Y value is 128. In moving the controllers to each extreme I moved as slow as possible to see if there was any spiking or "skipping" of the numerical values, which would show wear or damage to the pots. For the "feel" test I kept it simple: I wore a blindfold and my girlfriend swapped out controllers (several times) to see if I could feel the difference between my gear and the new test examples. Test Results I was mildly surprised at the results. For the "feel" test I couldn't tell the difference between my Fighterstick and the new Fighterstick. The same results occurred for the Pro Throttle. I had (incorrectly) guessed that the new gear would feel "tighter". There was literally no difference! Under the calibration tests both old and new performed identically. All pots went from minimum to maximum (0-255) with no spiking or skipping of values. For all intents and purposes there was no difference between old and new. This will surprise many of you. I'm used to offerings from other manufacturers that just don't hold up. I had a Cougar last 6 months before I needed replacement parts. I went thru 3 X-45's in a year. I've owned just about all of the joysticks available and CH Products are the first controllers that have 1) been used constantly for 6 years 2) that still work! To be fair, I got about 3 1/2 years out of my old Microsoft Sidewinder and it was still working last time I plugged it in. When comparing modern releases CH exceeds the reliability of everything else out there. As far as I know, this is the first test of it's kind and CH wins it hands down! Final Thoughts When I originally purchased my CH Gear I was fed up with my previous controllers not working when I expected them to. CH was roughly the same price as the several other offerings and I thought I'd give them a chance. I heard other CH owners speaking positively about them so I jumped in head first. I consider myself fortunate that the events laid out as they did. I've come to love CH and Control Manager and the fact that I can do absolutely anything I like with the software. I can speak to Bob Church directly on The Hangar regarding programming questions. Bob helped me out with a script not a month ago. No where in any flight sim community will you be able to speak not only to the software creator, but people like Debby and Michael who are instrumental in the every day operations of CH Products. Never have I seen customer service managers do their job sometimes as a result of a forum thread. These things are more common than not and they all happen on The Hangar. When you take all of these positives and add them up, you have a company who delivers a product that is superior to anything else available. The CH Community is amazing and way back when I was a newbie who had no clue about programming there was a forum dedicated to helping someone just like me. 6 years later nothing has changed, the new CH owner can post his concerns and have all his questions answered. Bang for the buck CH Controllers are WIN! They're moderately priced and made in the U.S.A. You'll find no cheapie chinese electronics inside. This cannot be said about every other option from other manufacturers. You can pay $500 retail for some of these controllers and there have already been unacceptable failure rates along with software that's unfinished. Buy CH. It works. Every time. I'd like to thank Debby for sending me the eval CH gear. Michael (CH), Bob Church, Ulf (and ex-Cougar guy) and Ghost 531 for all their help past, present and future for all their scripting help. Be sure to check out Ghost's "CH for Dummies Guide", it's a must read. Last but not least Revvin deserves a huge thanks for creating and keeping The Hangar up and running for the community. Other Products CH also offers two different kinds of yokes, Throttle Quadrant, Pro Pedals, MFP (Multi Function Panel), several other joysticks, and DT225 Trackball. The trackball is amazing, I use it for my radar and targeting cursor in game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+DoctorQuest 128 Posted December 21, 2010 I've had my CH stuff for years and still love it. It is a bit pricey but I figure over the long run I'll get my money's worth. Now I need to work on my "cockpit". Nice front office there....:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Outrider 0 Posted December 21, 2010 Great artical Ruggbutt. I was looking at Logitech but now I will go with CH. btw Awsome cockpit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DWCAce 19 Posted December 21, 2010 Four years ago I had a choice between CH and the Cougar, and I went the wrong way. Hopefully I'll be able to get into the CH world in the near future. Thanks for the review! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted December 21, 2010 Great artical Ruggbutt. I was looking at Logitech but now I will go with CH. I reviewed the G940. You'll notice what I'm still running in my pit................ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 531_Ghost Posted December 21, 2010 Nice review Rugg! Thanks for the kudos, but, without Bob, Michael, Debby, and Revvin, and the countless questions, over and over and over again, I wouldn't have been able to do what I did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted December 22, 2010 Nice review Rugg! Thanks for the kudos, but, without Bob, Michael, Debby, and Revvin, and the countless questions, over and over and over again, I wouldn't have been able to do what I did. No doubt! You still get the blame for "making" me buy the DT225. I love that thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 531_Ghost Posted December 22, 2010 8 years with my FighterStick, ProThrottle and ProPedals. My TQ is the one I got after beta testing the TQ and my DT225 I got a couple years before my TQ. I've got two of the older MFPs too. All have taken a lickin' and keep on tickin' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted December 22, 2010 I love my Fighterstick and Pro throttle and highly recommend it to anyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DWCAce 19 Posted January 4, 2011 Is it possible to run a CH throttle with a Cougar stick? I'm only asking since I might only be able to upgrade one component at a time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted January 4, 2011 Is it possible to run a CH throttle with a Cougar stick? I'm only asking since I might only be able to upgrade one component at a time. Yes you can. You can install CH Control Manager and map the throttle however you like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
looscer 0 Posted January 5, 2011 Nice review rugbutt! I always get suspicious when I read an all out positive review. I would never have believed yours if it wasn't for the fact that I concur completely in your review. I have had my CH-gear for over a decade now and even though the pedals are starting to show some signs of age, the stick and throttle are good as new, which is amazing after some heavy wear and tear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted January 5, 2011 I always get suspicious when I read an all out positive review. I do too! The thing is, CH has their act together. They may not have the newest and the shiniest hardware on the market but they work. Every time. I had a "negative" that I didn't put in the review as it wasn't pertinent enough to include. It was more of a wish list in that I'd love to see a split throttle. I've been eyeballing the newest release from TM but I don't want to drop $500 for hardware that's ending up DOA within the first month of use. I've been burned by TM and their Cougar once before. And even if I wasn't hearing reports of their new HOTAS throttle dying I'd still have an issue with their software. I've seen screenshots of task manager where some people are reporting 1.5 gigs of memory usage (spiking) with the software. That's unacceptable to me and I have 12 gigs of RAM in my gaming machine. How much memory does CH Control Manager use (and I should have put this in my review)? 8mb when the GUI is open. When you're done with the programming and "downloading" your profile? None! Nada, zip, zilch!!!! See what I mean about CH having their act together? The fact of the matter is that bar none CH's software stands head and shoulders above anything else out there. Bob Church was on top of things when 64 bit drivers needed to be released. Then Vista drivers. Then Win 7 drivers. You'll find that the folks at CH care about their product and supporting it. As an aside I fly Flaming Cliffs 2 and I'm flying the new DCS A-10 beta. I have awesome profiles for both and I don't feel I have to upgrade to new hardware when I can do anything I can imagine doing with CH's software. When you combine that with hardware that doesn't die it's a no-brainer. And for the price of what people are paying for the new TM HOTAS I can get a CH Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals, have shipping paid for and enough left over to buy 3 brand new copies of DCS A-10. That's value. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talez 0 Posted February 22, 2011 (edited) Nice review! You've sold me and my CH product bundle(Fighterstick+Pro-Throttle+Pedals) is on the way already. My former HOTAS was X-45 which now isn't any shape of normal operation. I bought it around 2003-4 and its rudder handle went lunatic a few weeks after the initial purchase. Thankfully, the store repaired it without cost and they had approval from Saitek. For a year though, if I remember correctly. But the repair plan hasn't included stiffy stick problem. I used many kind of grease from various materials, but every single of them didn't last more than a week... After the local vendor's service period, I had to remove the launch button cover as well (I think it's because my clumsiness during an IL2 dogfight.) Later, it was 2007, if I remember correctly, the mouse stick lost its X-axis control as well. So, I had to re-map the radar cursor keys... Later, mode switch also went nuts too. It changed policy by requiring an actual 'PUSH' for mode change. Later, the rudder handle went nuts again... So, finally, I replaced X-45 with Cyborg Evo (Wireless) since I was almost out of modern themed flight sim. at that time. It was quite OK with IL2 and SF1 series. In fact, I owned CH Combat Stick long long before (like back in 1995.) The first impression was gnomification for my right hand. But, I had no trouble with X-wing vs. TIE fighter, Mechwarrior 3, Jane's NAVY Fighters, ATF, CFS1, FS2000/2002 (I couldn't play Falcon 4 due to so called, national security problem. South Korean ministers prohibited any games on Korean War at that time.) The accuracy of stick handle was quite linear. In other words, it moved as I thought. Also, the POV switch worked quite seamless after four years of torture. I was even able to map the 8 buttons to certain roles, not just POV function! Other buttons also worked well until I donated it to a charity company before moving to North America. It wasn't usable anyway... everything went to USB and my rig didn't even had joystick input on its Sound Blaster. Of course, the Combatstick had limitations too. It didn't include yaw axis control and I was missing the pedals due to its scarcity at that time and location. Also, the trim controls sometimes changed unintentionally after a heat of dogfight(Actually, I miss these handles when flying IL2.) Other than that, I've even tried to combine the good old gameport Combatstick with X-45 throttle. And that was why I didn't even looked at G940 at all and Thrustmaster was an overshoot to me as well, with its gorilla like tension on Cougar. (also, I had quite struggle with Logitech gaming controlers too. I hate you Driving Force Pro...) I'm hoping these 'on the way' set lasts longer than X-45, as my old Combatstick did. It's also a surprise that seeing 'Made in USA' label in 2011. Edited February 22, 2011 by Talez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 22, 2011 I've put a lot of "mileage" on my CH kit and I've had the HOTAS and pedals for over 6 years. Still running strong! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger79 0 Posted February 26, 2011 RuggButt, Outstanding review, I was leaning towards a TM Warthog, but after reading your review and the the ED forums with accounts of countless problems with software, throttle issues, and questions/worry about if their stick will work when they turn on their computers I have made my decision. Some quick history, I own a x-52 non-pro, good stick, not great, but its still ticking. I bought an x-52 pro, hated it, don't know why but it didnt feel as sturdy or stable as my older x-52 so I returned it. Went to Frys and got to "feel" the G940 and x65f. The G940 did not do it for me, but the x65f I must admit was a rock, but the force sensing would be really hard to get use too. So, this afternoon I took the plunge and purchased the following: Pro Pedals USB, Pro Throttle USB, and the Fighterstick USB. I have not seen one good video review of the products. I will make one or a few and show the contents in each box, installing the components / software, and a video review on each component. I hope this will help CH with future purchases. I will edit in Sony Vegas 9.0 and give the CH products due justice on YouTube. Thanks for the great review! Respectfully, Ranger79 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 26, 2011 If you need any help or have any questions, the CH Hangar is the place to go. If you need some personalized help let me know. We'll get you up and running. Crunch runs CH gear and he's very knowledgeable as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger79 0 Posted February 26, 2011 (edited) If you need any help or have any questions, the CH Hangar is the place to go. If you need some personalized help let me know. We'll get you up and running. Crunch runs CH gear and he's very knowledgeable as well. I tried to register at CH Hanger, but it said my email address was banned? I sent an email to the administrators, no idea why my email would be banned. Had a quick question, I did not receive any confirmation email regarding my CH purchase, maybe because I ordered it late in the afternoon today. Just wanted to see if this was normal. Edited February 26, 2011 by Ranger79 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talez 0 Posted February 26, 2011 Installed them and configured a profile for SF2. Software! At first, it was a bit confusing to use the CH programming software but managed to program very simple key mapping and behaviors(I said simple, but it covers all the behaviors that I've programmed on my old Saitek ones.) Also, the software seems quite stable enough unlike Saitek SST which sometimes take hours to load. Also, much flexible in file management. I'm using Dropbox to store my documents but SST wasn't able to read profiles stored in Dropbox directory while CH one does. But, apparently, a bit detailed tutorial would be great. Google redirected me a tutorial in the CH-hanger site, but it seems a bit focused on how to but why. I guess it's time to open the manual and perform RTFM by myself. The hardwares! One thing is, I've never used rudder pedals at all. So, adjusting neural control signal(?) from wrist twist axis to legs would take some time. But, at least, I was able to control yaw axis far more properly than a week ago. Fighterstick is a blast. My old friend(combatstick) returned! Dead precise and linear control allowed me sleek turn, precise gunnery, near perfect runway alignment, etc. etc. The stick itself seems a bit large for normal desk, though. Lowering stick mount by placing my palm a bit higher would work better, but I think it's not impossible to adjust myself into current setup. Throttle feels light. But precise. Rotary style throttle would have been better for me, but I was X-45 user. Again, time will solve it. Lack of rotary handles is a bit disappointing but the additional throttle axis on Fighterstick compensates this shortage, partially. But, one problem is, the mode switch. Ok... I didn't even program any other modes but the mode change switch keep changing mode indicator LEDs. It's again, not a big deal but a bit confusing. Also, Fighterstick and Throttle seems separate modes... more confusing... Overall, I'm confident on my invest so far. ps. Oh wow, they really had 'Made in USA' engraving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 26, 2011 I tried to register at CH Hanger, but it said my email address was banned? Did you use a hotmail or yahoo account? I think you have to use something other than those because it's a way for the board owner to keep a lid on spam. But, apparently, a bit detailed tutorial would be great. Ghost has made a nice CH for Dummies Guide. It's on the Hangar. One thing is, I've never used rudder pedals at all. So, adjusting neural control signal(?) from wrist twist axis to legs would take some time. But, at least, I was able to control yaw axis far more properly than a week ago. Typically you set up your pedals so that if you want to yaw left, you push left pedal. The stick itself seems a bit large for normal desk, though. Lowering stick mount by placing my palm a bit higher would work better, but I think it's not impossible to adjust myself into current setup. I felt that way too. When I got the stick off the desk it turned out it was the right size. Lack of rotary handles is a bit disappointing but the additional throttle axis on Fighterstick compensates this shortage, partially. Coming from an X-45 I felt this way too. But since real pilots usually use the coolie hat on the stick to trim their a/c I figure if it's good enuf for them, it's good enuf for me. Fighterstick and Throttle seems separate modes... more confusing... You can use either the Fighterstick or the Throttle for mode control if you use that in your map. I use the orange button on the side of the stick for mode control. The one of the throttle I use for eject. But that's what's great about CH, you can use either controller for your mode choices. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger79 0 Posted February 26, 2011 Did you use a hotmail or yahoo account? I think you have to use something other than those because it's a way for the board owner to keep a lid on spam. Ghost has made a nice CH for Dummies Guide. It's on the Hangar. Typically you set up your pedals so that if you want to yaw left, you push left pedal. I felt that way too. When I got the stick off the desk it turned out it was the right size. Coming from an X-45 I felt this way too. But since real pilots usually use the coolie hat on the stick to trim their a/c I figure if it's good enuf for them, it's good enuf for me. You can use either the Fighterstick or the Throttle for mode control if you use that in your map. I use the orange button on the side of the stick for mode control. The one of the throttle I use for eject. But that's what's great about CH, you can use either controller for your mode choices. RuggButt, I used my gmail account to order CH and register with CH Hangar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted February 26, 2011 What's your login at the Hangar. I'll PM Revvin and have him straighten it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger79 0 Posted February 26, 2011 What's your login at the Hangar. I'll PM Revvin and have him straighten it out. ranger79 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger79 0 Posted February 26, 2011 ranger79 Just used a different email addy for registration, thanks for the help though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites