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SF2 Falklands '82 - Fixes & Updates

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The initial release of the "Falklands '82 for SF2" seems to have generated a lot of interest. In addition to bug reports, I'm also getting suggestions and submissions from various people for items in the mod that can or ought to be updated. We are planning to release a comprehensive updated version of the mod to incoprorate bug fixes and updated items that we receive. I figured I'd start this thread to serve as a catch-all place where folks can share or upload what they have.


So, please, if you have bug reports, suggested updates, or (even better) files that can be used for the comprehensive updated version of the mod, please post and share them in this thread. I cannot promise that every suggestion and submission will be used, but if your submission is quality and you can make a good case for why something or other in the original release ought to be fixed/updated/changed, then there's a good chance we will use it.




Eric Howes

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About the "HarrierFRS1" I noticed the decals folders aren't the same as the skins folders and the "decals ini" files do not contain valid path to ensure that the decals displayed on planes.And if you want you can use the pilots pics pack I created about the Argentinian pilots, you will find it at this address:




Greetings and happy new year,

Ice Man


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Playing this mod since first day, but I didn't found any major bugs. I've seen some strange things sometimes (very rare), but that's not a big problem.

When I try to start a single player mission on Wessex with mission start positon "near target", than I immediately crashing to the ground. Sometimes(rare) I get a painful hit, but survive. Looks like Wessex is too heavy for low-level flying.grin.gif

Edited by luk1978

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Ice Man:


The decals have been corrected in the quick fix update that is posted in the file announcement thread. Also, keep in mind that skin folders and decal folders won't exactly match because many of the secondary skins are simply using the same decals as the primary skins.


The link you posted to the Argentine Pilots is broken. Do you have a working link?




Eric Howes

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Not sure there's much I can do about the Wessex. The way that model is constructed the center of gravity is 0.3m off center on the y axis and 2.6m on the z-axis (vertical). I tried setting the vertical CoG to 0.0, but all kinds of strange nastiness resulted. Good bug to note, though -- perhaps worth a note in the ReadMe.


Eric Howes

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Here are new config ini files for each Aircraft, plus a complete SquadronList.ini


I've gone through my books on the Falklands and used them include and make a uniform listing of units from both sides. Since this is a group effort, there were several different listings, or wordings, for the same squadron/unit.


An example would have been the 5 Grupo de Caza. It was also listed as 5 Brigade on some skins, etc...


Each of the skin Texture.ini will now match each Aircraft config ini and will have a listing in the SquadronList.


Just unzip to your main SF2 Falklands Mod folder and allow to overwrite.



Falklands Units.zip

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Thanks for the submission!


Eric Howes


No prob. I figure it was easier to help streamline things, than b*tch about them. ;)



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If you are planning to submit something for inclusion in the updated version of the SF2 Falklands '82 mod but haven't finished whatever it is you're working on, please post a notice here. Tell me what it is you're planning to submit and how much work you have left to complete it.


The window for submitting items for the updated version is not going to stay open indefinitely.




Eric Howes

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minor problem with the alignment of the HMS Invincible. It is pointing due west (270) while the rest of the ships in the Task Force are pointing due east (90). The campaign missions have you approaching from the bow. Realigning it so it is pointing due east would solve the problem.

Edited by 2ltJoch

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The problem with carriers in campaigns is that we can't control the alignment of the carriers. Carrier alignment is determined by the game engine itself based on wind direction in the game-generated missions.


In game-generated single missions (set in 1983) the carriers are correctly aligned because they're terrain objects placed in the TARGETS.INI, so we have complete control over those. Of course, the downside to that arrangement is that you can't take off from the carriers. You always take off from FOB San Carlos.


Eric Hwoes

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The problem with carriers in campaigns is that we can't control the alignment of the carriers. Carrier alignment is determined by the game engine itself based on wind direction in the game-generated missions.


In game-generated single missions (set in 1983) the carriers are correctly aligned because they're terrain objects placed in the TARGETS.INI, so we have complete control over those. Of course, the downside to that arrangement is that you can't take off from the carriers. You always take off from FOB San Carlos.


Eric Hwoes


thanks for the clarification.

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Here is a link to repainted water tiles for Falklands/Malvinas mod: http://rapidshare.co...70/Terrains.rar


Also, I added 2 additional versions of water shaders (just cannot decide which is the best)

1. By default, there is a shaders based on real water textures

2. "Ver 1" was on my previous screenshots, but sometimes water looks like plastic

3. "Ver 2" is similar to native SF textures, water looks more "flat"

So you can choose by your taste.cool.gif

Screens to see the difference:


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Thanks much for uploading that. Funny enough, the "stock" photo actually looks best to me. What I'll probably do is use your repainted tiles and include all three versions of the waternormal.bmp, with two being optional versions that users can select.


I notice that you included alternate verions of the non-water tiles as well. What changes were made to these?




Eric Howes

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Of course, use it on your own. I'll be glad if my work will be included to next update.Salute.gif


About ground tiles... I just made them a bit darker. Stock ones were too bright for me. It was a long before I started work with water tiles.

It's not hard to repaint them back, if needed.

Anyway, ground color changes are almost imperceptible.

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The stock one looks better IMO... :good:

Is it possible to have a rough sea effect as in the original Malvinas sea but with more 3d as in luk1978's stock sea,

that would have been perfect! :ok:

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Is it possible to have a rough sea effect as in the original Malvinas sea but with more 3d

There is only one weather condition in SF. I don't like original stormy sea, that reminds me of boiling water...grin.gif

But I've got your point.


Something like this, I guess?0_6a49b_147f0ac9_XXXL.jpg

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I have already installed your "Stock" version and looks great indeed!

I would like to have a stormy version as the above too... :good:

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There is a limited number of downloads on rapidshare... so here is another link






I have attached a file with stormy waternormal.bmp.


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Two words about bugs.


1. SF-2 Tracker:




2. 500 ltr supersonic fuel tank cannot be dropped. Tested on Mirage and Dagger. The message in the bottom of the screen says "fuel tank jettisoned", but tank remains in place.

3. Not a bug, just small improvement - nosegear rollingradius on Super Etendard a bit too high.

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My understanding is that the 500L supersonic tanks on the delta Mirages were not designed to be dropped, unlike the larger drop tanks that can also be carried on the wings. If someone has other information, please do share. Not much I can do about the in-game message that the tanks have been dropped when in fact they haven't -- that bug or anomaly has been in the game for years.


I'll look at the other items you mention.


Btw, I tried the "stock" waternormal.bmp that you supplied. It didn't appear to have any effect on my system -- WinXP DX9. By contrast, when I unpacked the 3rdWire waternormal.bmp from the Desert.cat (as someone else suggested to improve the appearance of the water), it did work, giving the water a much more liquid-like appearance.


Are the .bmps that you supplied for DX10 only?


Eric Howes

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Are the .bmps that you supplied for DX10 only?


I don't know the difference between DX9 and DX10 bitmaps. Game use one file for both modes. I'd like to test it, but I don't have WinXP. Under Win7 both bmp's (mine and the one I unpacked from Desert.cat) working the same way.

I started my work from repainting Paladrian's bitmap - http://combatace.com...ter-normal-map/

Maybe it's for DX10 only, I don't know.

But I've read about problems with shaders under XP:


There is a Fubar's post with "waternormal.bmp" attached. Maybe this one will work for you? If so, I can try to repaint Fubars's bitmap...

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