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Is their anything i should change to make the B-52 and B-1 Flyable

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You can download both from here... the advantage is that they have the correct Cockpits... they are in the SF2 Downloads area and cover just about all the variants...


If you want to use the B-52 from the pack you need to add a cockpit etc instructions are in the Knowledge base its been awhile for me...

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Can u show me exactly what to put cuz i put the A-6 copit didnt work soo can u give me the things to edit

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This will be able to explain better than me at this time of the morning as I have not had my early morning coffee...


But if you are playing SF2V I would seriously advise that you get the download as it is outstanding work done by the guys here...

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B-52:: I use the WoV A-6 cockpit, and replace the angle of attack indicator with an RWR. But I do it in a totally like WEIRD way, and there may be better cockpits out there for "normal" use for B-52.


I suggest you get THE WOV simply for the A-6 cockpit, before it becomes unavailable to mankind...or is A-6 in the SF2 series? WoE has flyable F-105 right? That's my fave Thudwire cockpit of all time.

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Okay, this isn't that hard.


First, download this: http://combatace.com/files/file/9685-b-52gh-mega-era-package/


This has the correct cockpits for the B-52.


Then, read this: http://combatace.com/topic/43234-how-to-make-a-sf2-aircraftweapon-useable-in-gen-1-thirdwire-sims/


This will let you import the B-52s into the eariler version of the sims, including the cockpits.


Then, read this: http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/


This will show you how to use those cockpits for other version of the B-52. Why use an A-6 when you can have the real cockpit, including a co-pilot.



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Ok thanks but with the read to make ai planes fly able it doesnt show u step by step like something easy instead of confusin

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Wow, FC I never knew this. Amazing stuff.


Devil, from the 2nd link FC poasted...


...newer sims can read Unicode and ANSI encoded ini files, whereas the Gen 1 sims can only read in ANSI.

I'm stuck with old SF1 games, so I have to make a few small changes to get new SF2 planes to work in SF1 games, like WOE you have.


There are at least 2 data files for B-52 airplane that need to be converted to old style ANSI -- the DATA file and either avionics or cockpit, also maybe the basic "b-52" file. I forget which files until I have to do it again. DUH!!!!


To get new game plane in old game, what I do is copy over an old SF1 ANSI data file from an old SF1 plane, open it and delete the contents, and copy in the new data. Then just SAVE the file. I then rename the files to match the new plane.


Its a bit messy and VERY HARD to describe in a forum poast.





I think this is correct, maybe:: If you just want to use old game B-52s, just copy over the new cockpit folder and new cockpit.ini file, and make sure your old B-52 file "points" to the correct new cockpit.ini folder. To get the radar to work, copy over the avionics.ini file and make sure your old B-52 file "points" to the new avionics file. This is easier than using the new planes.

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Okay, only 2 files need converting from ANSI to unicode to get a plane *basically* working in the old game.







That said, I am for the n+1000 time thinking of going SF2...and then I'd have to convert everything BACK to that. :lol:

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