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George Boles - are you okay?

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I hope you are okay, George Boles ? I have just seen videos from Rockhampton in Queensland.

You Australians seem to be very reliable neighbours and friends, who will help each other.

I wish for you all, that the water may go away very soon.



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Yes Olham, it is very wet over here at the moment.


I am in Brisbane, we have not suffered the worst of it here by any means. Those north of us are having a very tough time right now.


A lot of aid and help is happening at the moment, and people here do tend to band together in times of crisis.


A great example of this is the group of pub patrons who built a huge earth wall around their local to stop the water getting in...great stuff really.


I am on the road every day with my work and even now it is raining and the danger of flash flooding is high...


My thoughts go out to all those cut off from their homes and those whose crops and businesses have been ruined.


we will survive though.

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I'll say an extra prayer to the Man Upstairs for all you folks in Aussie-land. Try and stay dry as best you can.



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Hi there Ollie Olham,


Thanks for your concern and apologies for the late reply!


Yes, all OK now. I am in Townsville and we caught the "edge" of a Category 5 cyclone which caused havoc about 120km to 200km further north.


Floods gone from Queensland now, and apparently New South Wales has got them now.


But having driven through all of the heavily damaged areas they appear pristine in comparison with the poor souls on the north east of Honshu, Japan. The remnants of their townships look like our local dump after the bulldozers have pushed everything into piles. The areas which were hit suffered total destruction.


Regards and a beer,


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My prayers go out to the people in these devastated areas...be safe.

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Cheers, George - good to see you alive and well!

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Stay safe and good luck from your neighbors across the ditch.

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