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My terrain and campaign problem

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I requested that making campaign Korean war in 1950. I am newbee in mod making. unfortunately, I don't much time to do this, because I have to go military service soon.

So I think modifying Spectre8750's Korea terrain. I received permission and texture list of Spectre8750's korean terrain from Spectre8750. I really thanks to him.


And.... I'm in trouble.


Turn on Tk's Terrain Editor 2006 version. Open the HFD file. and open the texture list.ini file received from him. and TE go off.(I don't know how to I talk about this. I attached jpg. On K-50 click the "Open" and turn off like K-51)




ps. I can't speak English well. If I make a tongueslip, please teach me about that.

post-27597-027864800 1294362473.jpg

post-27597-065179900 1294362479.jpg

Edited by Bearwolf

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I test WOE's orginal terrain with TE's TexturelistWOE.ini. It works. that means TE has no problem.

So I fix some part of Texturelist of Korean terrain. but It didn't works. Same situation.


What should I do...? Plz somebody help me...

Edited by Bearwolf

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I test WOE's orginal terrain with TE's TexturelistWOE.ini. It works. that means TE has no problem.

So I fix some part of Texturelist of Korean terrain. but It didn't works. Same situation.


What should I do...? Plz somebody help me...


You need to read the tutorials (Gepard's) in the help section on the TE.


I am working (have been working on an Angola terrain for 2 years) with the TE and am still learning how to make it work. If you keep at it, you will eventually finish your terrain.


It sounds like (but I may be wrong) that your texture list of the Korean terrain is not complete. It is extremely tricky. If you are missing some tiles or if the Korean texture list is missing even a little, it will not work.


First, may I suggest that if the Korean terrain is based on the WOE terrain, that you start with the WOE terrain just like Gepard suggests in his tutorial (but first add (import) the sea tile or it won't work). Then run the TE. Then start adding Korean tiles one by one, testing it in the TE, saving it in the TE and keep adding Korean tiles one by one until it all works.


Secondly (or maybe firstly), you can email the Korean map authors and request their Korean texture lists and trying that in the TE.

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Thank you to your advice ordway.


Actually I read that tutorial. It was very helpful article to me. but in this case, I using completed version of Spectre8750's Korean Terrain and his Texture list(He sent it me.).

So Spectre8750 was made his Korean Terrain with his Texture list I got. but It didn't works on my computer.

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again, we must ask the question ...


Are you using the CORRECT Terrain Editor??? Since the tileset is based off WoE, you need the WoV/WoE/WoI terrain editor. The Desert TE will not work for WoE based terrains!!!!!!!!!!!!



kevin stein

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again, we must ask the question ...


Are you using the CORRECT Terrain Editor??? Since the tileset is based off WoE, you need the WoV/WoE/WoI terrain editor. The Desert TE will not work for WoE based terrains!!!!!!!!!!!!



kevin stein



I know 2 kinds of Terrain editor. First one is Terrain Editor v03-04-03, the other one is Terrian Editor v04-21-06.

usually, I using Terrian Editor v04-21-06, but I tried first one. both of things didn't works.

Terrian Editor v04-21-06 is work on GermanyCE terrian after extract with SFP1E.

I downloaded these this page.



If you know other versions, please tell me.

Edited by Bearwolf

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No other versions of TE available.

If the TE crashs to desktop CTD it can have different reasons. One is the wrong version (already said above). The second is in the texturetile.ini. Make sure that you have all tiles which are stated in the texturetile.ini in your terrain folder. Make sure, that all this tile files are in bmp format. It can happen that the miss of one tile can cause CTD. Trial and error.

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No other versions of TE available.

If the TE crashs to desktop CTD it can have different reasons. One is the wrong version (already said above). The second is in the texturetile.ini. Make sure that you have all tiles which are stated in the texturetile.ini in your terrain folder. Make sure, that all this tile files are in bmp format. It can happen that the miss of one tile can cause CTD. Trial and error.



Thank you to your advice, Gepard. I will try it.

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