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Hello Chaps!


I hope all had a restful and joyous Christmas. I am finally back after three weeks away. I had a great break, it was wonderful to be away from the computer for a while - after being practically chained to it for the better part of a month writing papers. Santa Clause - or more specifically, my family and friends - were very kind to me this year. I have expanded my gaming library considerably with F1 2010, Assassins Creed, and Black Ops for my Xbox 360 as well as a copy of Rise of Flight for my PC (purchased by my fiance, can you believe it!? :rofl:) So my WWI sim library continues to expand even more! I also added a great movie to my library: the Steve McQueen classic, Le Mans (thanks Dad), so I'm in great shape for the new year, and the last few months of my MA program!


I'm snowed in, which means more time to study up and work, as well as fly. Should be a great New Year!


I hope the holidays were as kind to everyone else. How is everyone doing? I look forward to hearing from all of you!


Cheers and, as always, S! :drinks:

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Welcome back, CaptSopwith!

I just realised, that your latest avatar confuses me. Is that Robert Little?

Your first avatar is still in my memory, and I always imagined, that's you (cause I did not know that pilot).

I wonder, if others think the same about me - I had after a long time changed my avatar,

but may come back to the first one soon.


With all those Xmas presents, I hope you won't stop learning and preparing.

(I know I would, probably).


Me, I'm okay, but feel very bad about my lazyness of last year.

So I have taken some New Years pledges for myself, like

- learning more about graphic programs

- jogging at least twice a week

- going to the Fitness studio at least once a week

- slimming through all that by 4 - 6 kilo


I know it's a lot, but if you don't make many pledges, you may end up with nothing done?

Edited by Olham

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Welcome back, CaptSopwith!

I just realised, that your latest avatar confuses me. Is that Robert Little?

Your first avatar is still in my memory, and I always imagined, that's you (cause I did not know that pilot).

I wonder, if others think the same about me - I had after a long time changed my avatar,

but may come back to the first one soon.


With all those Xmas presents, I hope you won't stop learning and preparing.

(I know I would, probably).


Me, I'm okay, but feel very bad about my lazyness of last year.

So I have taken some New Years pledges for myself, like

- learning more about graphic programs

- jogging at least twice a week

- going to the Fitness studio at least once a week

- slimming through all that by 4 - 6 kilo


I know it's a lot, but if you don't make many pledges, you may end up with nothing done?


Hi Olham! I had a hunch you'd be the first to welcome me back. I'm glad things are well with you. The avatar is Roderick Stanley Dallas, a WWI pilot I've always admired - I still remember "flying wit him" in one of my more successful RBII careers many years ago. I'm amazed you remember my first avatar - what was it? Even I can't recall as I've changed it so many times! :rofl:


As for the resolutions - I think you're on the right track. There's not such thing as too many pledges - aim high my friend, and all will turn out well. I too am planning on getting into batter shape this year - I had surgery over the break to fix a long bothersome hernia, now I can actually get in shape for good once I'm healed up!

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Just tried to find the pilot you used as your first avatar here, but I could neither find him

among our British, nor among the French or US photos.

Could it be, that you have chosen him from "The Aerodrome" website?

He was a young man with a fly-shuttle on his head, looking determined into the camera.


After your surgery, you can now enjoy jogging again, I suppose. Make the best of that!

Edited by Olham

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Just tried to find the pilot you used as your first avatar here, but I could neither find him

among our British, nor among the French or US photos.

Could it be, that you have chosen him from "The Aerodrome" website?

He was a young man with a fly-shuttle on his head, looking determined into the camera.


After your surgery, you can now enjoy jogging again, I suppose. Make the best of that!


Well, it might help if I spelled his first name right... :blush:




Ol' Roderic was Australian, which might account for not being able to find him if you were checking the Aerodrome - I believe they group them by the pilot's nationality. He was a pretty spectacular pilot, with 45 kills to his credit before he was killed. His SE5 featured very forward thinking camo work.


I've dug through my archives... was this pilot by any chance the one I used for my first avatar?

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"Bout time you found your way back to camp, Soppy old chap! Glad your holidays were merry and bright, and Santa was very kind to you indeed. Now as to all these resolutions for the new year...well done. I hope I can stick to the ones I've made, which include the usual: losing a few more pounds to try and get back to the lean and mean 185 I weighed when I left active service back in '78; read more books on my favorite subject, i.e. WWI; spend more time with my good lady wife and the rest of the family; and travel to New York to visit my son and his fiance'.


Now get back in the virtual skies ASAP CaptSopwith, that's an order! Well...not an order so much as a strong request really...well, not actually even a strong request, more of a suggestion...I guess to be honest it's really only just a thought on my part.............drinks anyone?





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You got me wrong there, CatSopwith - I could not find that earlier pilot again, whom you used for your first, old avatar.

Roderic Dallas I know - I had several fierce fights with him already in OFF.

I think he flew in some RNAS unti? And had a brown-red Tripe for some of the time?

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I don't know these pilots who take 3 weeks off to lounge around... its terrible. In other words welcome back to the mud... oh and mines a Coffee and single malt thanks... :drinks:


Glad you had a good break and have new toys to play with...

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Welcome back. There's still an air war going on, so if you want to participate... :grin:

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