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Aerial Reconnaissance Photo Book - Cheap

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If you don't mind buying your WW1 books second-hand (but in 'good' or 'like new' condition), and you've any interest in aerial reconnaissance during the Great War then Nick Watkis' 'The Western Front From The Air' is selling dirt cheap on Amazon in the UK ans US... literally for less than the cost of a packet of smokes.


The book is 'A contemporary bird's-eye view of the five major Western front battlefields of the First World War, immediately before, during and after the actions. The illustrative materials focuses on specially annotated aerial photographs from the Imperial War Museum's collection. With an introduction and a brief description accompanying each battle chapter.'


Amazon UK


Amazon US


Apologies to non-UK and non-US OFFers but I haven't checked .de .nl etc.


Worth having? Up to you...

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I just might have to scoop one of these at that price. Looks like it would be a very informative read. Thanks for the heads-up, Dej.



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I've had this little beauty of a gem for a while now. The photos are amazing. It's clearly annotated at the beginning of each major battle where the photos were taken, by what aircraft and at what height, angle, bearing etc. Each photo contained is numbered and each numbered photo is placed onto a expanded trench map of the time at the front of the chapter. From this overview you get a good sense of the battle raging below over the course of time.

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Just the kind of book I was looking for. Even when you add the delivery cost to Finland, it's still a real bargain at those prices. Thanks for the tip, Dej.


Typical of me: I was going to get only this book, but then ended up ordering three others!

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Typical of me: I was going to get only this book, but then ended up ordering three others!

Don't worry - it is a very common disease.

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Well, I have a very bad case of it. And it gets worse every year after Christmas when the sale season begins. I really don't need any new books, because at this rate I'll die of old age before I've read through my ever-growing collection! Maybe I'll have more time when I retire... but that's not going to happen anytime soon. :heat:

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Maybe you should open a "WW1 Reader's Library", where you serve drinks, and with a room for smokers.

Books can't get taken away, but you store for everyone, what he last read, and what page he was on?

Might be a nice community after short time?


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Well, I'm sure my WW1 book collection is much more extensive than anything on this subject in the local libraries. But I watch my books like a dragon guards his treasure. (I don't actually sleep over the piles of books though!)


People wouldn't like me observing their reading suspiciously all the time. :grin:

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I too suffer from the same affliction, Hasse Wind. Also, I just scored a copy of Watkin's book today as well. Should be here by early next week, looking forward to giving it a read.



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I'm particularly interested in this book because I like flying two-seater careers in OFF a lot. I really hope there will be some great improvements for bomber and recon pilots in P4... like actually taking some photos and not just flying through the waypoints. Imagine trying to get through the enemy defences, taking photos of the target and then getting back home alive. If you come back empty-handed, the CO will just send you back again tomorrow. Now wouldn't that be great! :cool:

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Thanks for the heads up Dej. I just picked up my copy from Amazon for $6 US... a great buy!




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Guest British_eh

Hi there,


Well, uh thanks Dej.................hmm, I seem to have the same issue as HW, as I bought it, but had to purchase one other.


With regards to Two-seaters the new Realistic Survival Settings - Survival In the Air Series are all being revamped. There will be a new emphasis on providing accurate missions for the Two-seaters and Scouts. Hopefully some of these ideas will be incorporated into P4. In the meantime the new Settings will soon be posted after exhaustive work by Bletchley, with assistance by Scout77, RAF_Louvert, and Pips.





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