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Just one more time please-- then beers for all

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My fate is in your hands( much to dramatic I am sure ) but I do value you advice. On my topic a few days ago several of you gave great advice. The length and deapth of the answers were fantastic. I really learned about "stuff" that was only geek-speek to my ears before. Some you mentioned specific builders, and I have gone to their websites and made a configuration of identicle rigs with the hardware you folks advised. The difference in $$$$ is about $1000 between the high and low. Building my own rig is a nogo, and can't seem to be able to find a person in Phoenix AZ who has the expertise to do one.

That person should have a history of very happy customers---- no luck in finding that individual.


Soooo here is the list of those you guys said made "gaming rigs". Please select those you would have build your new computer.


Digital Storm, Cyberpower, Origin, Falcon NW, or Main Performance PC


Thanks to all who helped. Can't help but think several other members learned a great deal also.



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Well, my 5cents worth:


Digital Storm / Origin or the reverse. Both are that good.

Falcon NW

Main Performance PC




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Hiya CW3SF,


I'd love to help you decide, but I'm really only any good for the technical data :) I have zero experience with any builders, online or "brick-n-mortar". So, I do hope you hear from a few of the people here with specific experience in that area.


FWIW, I would also say - if I had asked a similar question - almccoyjr is someone who I think has a good sense for what you want, and there have to be a few others here whose input I would hold in the highest regard.


In any event, best of luck!

Edited by Tamper

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I own an Alienware, so I'm somewhat biased... :grin:


But of your choices, I like the Falcon NW.

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Thank you for the compliment. In my tenure of messing with computers, I have bought one, had one locally built locally with me right along side of the build and am the builder of my current systems. The latter two decisions have been the best investment for me both personally and technically.



Just in case you didn't know, Origin was founded by several former employees of Alienware and some of them were responsible for optimizing the system build. That is also one of Digital Storm's strong points. DS's integration of water cooling is also very, very good. Falcon NW has been building systems aimed at the hard core simming genre for a long time and are always ranked high in the standings in magazines and forums.


The best advice I'm able to offer is to asses the reputations of the builders and look for the "best bang for the buck" be it buying a system or the components to build one. However, the last part of the equation requires more investment in time, research and learning. The former can be done through forums and the B.B.B.


I do now two things;

1) Between any of the top three I've listed from your choices, you won't have buyer's remorse;

2) The very minute you put the "check in the mail", your brand new system will be "obsolete" in 15 minutes because brand spanking new happens every 14. That's silicon life.


Good simming to you and hope to see you in the air.



Edited by almccoyjr

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I'm with Uncleal. IBuyPower. I bought one of their machines and was extremely happy with it. But as with all the ready made machines, you'll have to spend about 3-4 hours deleting all the 30 day demo crap and useless programs that you don't want/need that they put on to keep their prices low.


There are dozens of mail order computer builders listed throughout PC Gamer or MaximumPC magazines. Take some time and browse through the websites that are in the advertisements.

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The last time I obtained a PC from a custom builder was many, many moons ago. Some outfit called "MDG Computers" up here in The Great White North. It housed a killer Pentium II 350. Simply based on that, when it comes to offering advice on custom PC builders, I'll have to remain almost silent.

(Notice I said "almost").


I have a couple of friends who've purchased systems from IBuyPower. Neither of them had any complaints that I'm aware of. Having said that, I'd probably follow Dr. Mccoy Junior's advice and "assess the reputations of the builders and look for the "best bang for your buck".....paying close attention to the list of potential builders he's been kind enough to list here as well.


Best of luck with whatever you decide on.





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Must admit I build all my rigs but I think the shipping costs from Vienna Austria will be a tad expensive...


My latest one is a great machine but nowhere near the spec you want but boy does it fly... only issue is installing OFF its killing me...

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If I'm not mistaken, he's on about his 4th or 5th reinstall of the OS. There aren't too many viruses or spyware infections that are going to survive a hard drive format....

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