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Bug in MiG-15bis in Suez mod

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Well, I have tried the incredible Suez mod and have seen a strange bug in the MiG-15Bis: when you jettison the fuel tanks (those of 400 from the MiG-17), there are another pair of jettisonable tanks attached to the wings (same MiG-17 400 L tanks), but these second pair of tanks are fixed to the wing. If you choose the 300 L fixed tank instead, the 400 L tanks are there as well, merged in a strange way with the 300 ones. What can I do? There is no problem using the 400 L tanks in the MiG-17. Thank you in advance.

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That's not a bug. The addon tanks you must be using are the bug, as Thirdwire has been incorporating tanks into the model .lod for some time now.

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That's the thing. I'm using the vanilla mod. I haven't added anything. The 300L are from the mod, and the 400L are the stock MiG-17 tanks in the vanilla game. I suspect about the Data.ini and Loadout.ini from the plane, but I don't know what's wrong

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extract the bis' data ini and comment out the statements for the 'built-in' fuel tank nodes.


or, simply use the newest data & loadout inis, placed in the aircraft's main folder



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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It's working now. There was an error in Data.ini.

To fix it:

Open MIG-15BIS_DATA.INI with Notepad and go for Weapon stations. Go for [LeftWingStation] and add at the end this line: FuelTankNodeName=400L_droptank_L. Then go for [RightWingStation] and add at the end this line FuelTankNodeName=400L_droptank_R

Save and it works!

Thank you very much for your help, Wrench and Fubar.

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