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Olham on a bicycle in Flanders, and driving a Model T along the Marne

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And I am the one with the smirky look, in the light-colored tunic, standing in the middle of the back row and listing significantly to port. At this point I had to steady myself by holding firm to the epaulette on the coat of the Turkish officer in front of me, which as you can see was causing him no small amount of annoyance. Fortunately, the fellow standing next to me was tilting equally to his starboard so we were doing a fair job of propping each other up and I was eventually able to relax my grip on said Turk's apparel accessory. I was quite relieved when the photo session ended so that I could again resume a more prone position.


good times...good times

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Very nice Lou. No need for Shakespearwean parody when it comes to the English and drinking though :grin: ...




Some wine, ho!



And let me the canakin clink, clink;

And let me the canakin clink

A soldier's a man;

A life's but a span;

Why, then, let a soldier drink.

Some wine, boys!




'Fore God, an excellent song.




I learned it in England, where, indeed, they are

most potent in potting: your Dane, your German, and

your swag-bellied Hollander--Drink, ho!--are nothing

to your English.




Is your Englishman so expert in his drinking?




Why, he drinks you, with facility, your Dane dead

drunk; he sweats not to overthrow your Almain; he

gives your Hollander a vomit, ere the next pottle

can be filled.


Othello, Act II Scene 3.


He had the measure of his countrymen, Shakespeare did...

Edited by Dej

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True enough Sir. Still, you English can get none-the-less creative with such parody of old Shakey Bill...when the spirits move you. I happen to know this firsthand from living and drinking with you lot for three years. :grin:



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Yes, then they are most comfortable lot to be with - in the pub.

First advice I was given by a landlord in Cornwall, when the bell rang for last orders:

"Nobody can stop you from buying 3 or 4 or even more pints, young man.

And we cannot throw you out, until you had enough time to drink them."


So I ordered: "5 pints of Director's bitter! Markus, what will you have?"

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Olham, Dej, and Lou at Belgium bierstube in Chimay:


What about me?!?!?!?!?!? I've been interned there since the Worst Navigation Error Ever when my entife flight from No. 20 Squadron ended up there from lack of fuel :drinks:

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Was that you BH, trying to get our attention as we passed the compound down the road from the bierstube? Sorry if we failed to recognize you Sir, but our collective vision was fairly blurred by that time. We'll be sure to come back for you, as well as for more Belgian brew. What size uniform do you wear, and how fluent are you in German? More importantly, how well do you know your Shakespear?



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how well do you know your Shakespeare?
Abide me, if thou dar'st; for well I wot. Edited by Bullethead

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:rofl: I know and still remembered that incident of yours - and I am still wondering, if that wasn't the most Freudian navigation error ever? :grin:


We couldn't very well invite any POWs to our meeting of German and Turkish pilots, could we? And you have the beer there every day.

In your case it could be: POW = Pilsener Over Water?

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:rofl: I know and still remembered that incident of yours - and I am still wondering, if that wasn't the most Freudian navigation error ever? :grin:


We couldn't very well invite any POWs to our meeting of German and Turkish pilots, could we? And you have the beer there every day.

In your case it could be: POW = Pilsener Over Water?


I daresay he'd prefer Pilesner Over Wire! Next time, under guise of being drunk we'll lob some bottles over the fence to our incarcerated Demetrius and his 20 Sqn. fellows there...


"Come, let's away to prison;

We two alone will sing like birds I' th' cage." Wrong side, but near enough. :grin:

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Confine! I'll confine myself no finer than I am:

these clothes are good enough to drink in;

and so be these boots too: and they be not, let them hang

themselves in their own straps.



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Confine! I'll confine myself no finer than I am:

these clothes are good enough to drink in;

and so be these boots too: and they be not, let them hang

themselves in their own straps.




I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety.

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Hah, Chimay! No such luck for the pilot I lost to the worst Worst Navigation Error ever, a really bad case of warping gone wrong that took my flight of French N.17's deep over the North Sea, where they ran out of fuel and ditched into the water. A French Great War version of Flight 19. :grin:

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