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OT: The Delicate Art of Making Ourselves Understood

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A good Ale is like a Good Woman.

(at the moment..I cannot afford either!) :salute:

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A good Ale is like a Good Woman.

(at the moment..I cannot afford either!) :salute:


Me I would settle for a good bad woman at the moment... saves time on teaching.

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Well I'm from Germany and I've learned English in School from 1985-1989, so after all these Years it's sometimes hard to understand some Posts for me personally, but only because of the Grammatics :blink:

When I read some things they are very logical, but some things I can not understand or I'm trying to translate it in German in my Mind. So I sometimes find the Solution for myself :idea:


Would like to write a little bit more in this Board, but I have really to give it up sometimes because of my bad english Language...


Sometimes I only don't also have the time to write something, mostly I'm on the Internet at the Weekend, because my Job (Construction) holds me down from Monday till Thursday. I'm travelling all thoughout Germany,

making Construction and always sleeping in Hotels. I'm coming home every Week on Thursday Evening, and naturally the most of the Weekend belongs to my Family, as it should be. :no:


But this Week I'm at home (because it's Winter, we can't work) , and so I have got the time to write something, and I hope you understand what I'm saying.


I like the way how to learn about OFF in this Board, I've found out so many things about this Game just by reading the Posts (as far as I can) and I'm learning every Day :good:


BTW, I'm playing OFF Phase3 since November 2009 and I still can learn much more (especially of the Graphics and the FPS :blink: )


Wish the Combat Flight Simulator 3 never had these complicated Settings for Graphics. When I see in the Overrides these many things, or in the Texture Info these many Choices, I must give up sometimes, because I do not understand every written word there!


So the best is to try the Settings out, and see what will happen in Gameplay. So I've spended lots of Hours to make OFF running as good as it should be :grin:


But don't worry, it's running fast ! :drinks:


I like this wonderful Board and all of you wonderful People and I hope I can enjoy this Place for a long Time....

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Andy, I think your English is quite good to make yourself understood - but I shouldn't be the first to say that;

cause I am also German.

So whenever you have a complicated question, you could always start a post with the words:

"To Olham & Creaghorn...", and write in German.


For your graphics setup, you may perhaps want to check my guide here:




It must not be the ultimate solution for each and every card, but it should help you with a lot.

Edited by Olham

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The amount of trouble I've been in recently for passing on my thoughts on a certain sim is quite remarkable...I've been totally misunderstood and the reactions to my comments took me by surprise...seems a fair few simmers who love this particular sim are hypersensitive.


Shame as in all the posts I made about said sim I praised it aswell and I never thought I'd get the reaction I have got back...infact just today I was told I was kicking up a stink!! I only pointed out some shortcomings in a non aggressive way it wasn't a rant nor diatribe...I said it in a relaxed manner expecting some reasonable reply not some sudden defensive shout back...so as 95% of communication is body language and tone of voice no wonder forums are full of misunderstandings.

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And Wodin, that is precisely why I entitled this thread "The Delicate Art of Making Ourselves Understood". Unless we are standing face-to-face it is oft times very hard to know for sure what the other fellow is actually trying to convey, and in particular when it concerns a touchy subject. And the example you offer is touchy for some folks due to less-than-polite comments made in the past by some RoF enthusiasts towards OFF, and vice-versa. It is unfortunate that such is the case, but c'est la vie.



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I still remember that I once answered a guy's post with the words: "So what?"


Thinking, the meaning was "What happened next?" or "What was the result?"


Of course it did not mean that, as I know now, after some five or six good people here

explained to the guy, that I was never rude against other posters.


Even our good, great OvS had such a thing happening - it happens, because we

can't see each other, nor do we hear the way it's pronounced.

Edited by Olham

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