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Shift+C: "Open canopy" or "Lowering Lewis gun" ?

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Hasse Wind has lured me into flying the "wonderful Nieuport 17", and so I did (after all this time).

And I must say: wonderful kite, light, easy to fly, no nasty habits (it seemed so far); sheer fun.

Even the landing (I have Wind:On) went fine.


HW also said, I could lower that wind shield (which is actually okay on the N17, and worse on the N28

(not sure about other versions), by pressing Shift + C.

What I got instead was the lowering of the Lewis gun.

A great immersion-spending thing, by the way - you can imitate the time they needed to lower the gun

and change the drum. But now I'd like to know: is there a way to lower the windshield at least in the N28?



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I should think a large hammer would lower the windshield quite well, Olham.


And I've used the gun slide on that kite from time to time to emulate the loading process in combat. Very neat. I just wish we could actually reload the guns in the sim.



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I just wish we could actually reload the guns in the sim.

Not so sure - with my luck, I' d grab the drum with the mouse, only to let it drop overboard.

I am good at that since a couple of years. Must be the decreasing eyesight...

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It's probably bolted on, Olham. You need a spanner. Why do you need it lowered? You may find a pistol in the cockpit somewhere - you could use that.

I only know of shift+c as it applies to the lewis gun. I know on some a/c the field of view is not that good - it just means moving more in your seat to look round the obstacles. Is it that the screen is blocking your view?

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Depends on which N17 you fly.... If you fly one with a vickers the canopy opens when you hit Shift+C. I think it will also lower the Lewis on the SE5.



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On the N28 that is, that I find the metal protection round the screen blocking part of the view.

When you came from the very good view of the Albatros, it is limiting.


The N17 Lewis is not so bad - I actually like the crate and will continue that carreer of

Adjutant Daniel de Saint Malo.

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