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New install. Some advice please.

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Installed OFF no problms. Asked for cfs3 disc, inserted uBI dvd, only took a few seconds, reinserted OFF disc and completed the install in about 10 minutes. Added the super patch and mini patch and set cfs3 config, Was in game in no time. Graphics are much better than I expected since I have been playing ROF for several months and the graphics in it are great.



I set my cfs3 config for 1680x1050 for my 22' wide screen just fine. But when i get to the field and bring up the menue to set the controls all the printing is so small I almost can not read it. How do I get the menues bigger so they are ledgible with out being right on top the screen?


Where can I find a detailed explination on how to set the controls with my joy stick? not just a listing of inputs but the easiest way to actually set the controls so they work like the other Excellent flight sims I have installed.

I have done a lot of searching on the developers web site, here and at SimHQ to no savail. Some of what I put in is ok but so far i can not get back in the pilot seat view unless I hit f6 on the keyboard.. And a number of other controls do not react properly.


If I try to set my hat swith and hit it while I am in chase view the plane view goes around in circles.


Also I have set all the difficulty and engine settings to easy, easy ,easy. but still when flying a Spad 13 when I dive I lose power. I would expect that in a more realistic setting but certianally not in easy flight.


Have not tried a dog fight yet.




Edited by Pawgy

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Here is a link to a key assignment card put together by Home Brew, showing all the keyboard and joystick commands you can use for OFF: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=39122


In order to set up your joystick and keyboard commands in a way that is most comfortable to you, you have to start a flight. Once you are in the cockpit, hit escape on the keyboard. This will bring up a menu on the right side of the screen. Click on "controls." Another menu will open up, allowing you to assign and reassign commands to your keyboard and joystick. Make sure that you save your commands as "Mine," and there you go.

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If I was you Pawgy I try flying at realistic first then if needed drop as it is a hell of alot easier than RoF flying these planes. Practice makes perfect aswell...and with such forgiving planes it wont take you long...RoF just requires practice aswell...the Pflaz and Alb's are verye asy to fly in RoF as they can be thrown around and I haven't soubn one yet unlike the camel\pup etc...


Also I stay away from the Spad due to the limite viewpoint...not really the best plane to learn in...go for the Pup or an Alb...

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Here is a link to a key assignment card put together by Home Brew, showing all the keyboard and joystick commands you can use for OFF: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=39122


In order to set up your joystick and keyboard commands in a way that is most comfortable to you, you have to start a flight. Once you are in the cockpit, hit escape on the keyboard. This will bring up a menu on the right side of the screen. Click on "controls." Another menu will open up, allowing you to assign and reassign commands to your keyboard and joystick. Make sure that you save your commands as "Mine," and there you go.


Thank you for your reply. I have no problem accessing the controls. once I do I just cannot read them very well as the printing is much to small as i explained. I have yet to be able to get the cockpit view to work on my stick even though i have repetedly programed for my #2 button. .Also hve not been able to successfully program padlock and many others. Your expailnation is really not detailed enough and not what I was looking for at all since I have alredy mentioned that I have programmed some commands.. Some place there has to be a step by step explination of just exactly what you must do to program a joystick. Thank you again for your reply.



If I was you Pawgy I try flying at realistic first then if needed drop as it is a hell of alot easier than RoF flying these planes. Practice makes perfect aswell...and with such forgiving planes it wont take you long...RoF just requires practice aswell...the Pflaz and Alb's are verye asy to fly in RoF as they can be thrown around and I haven't soubn one yet unlike the camel\pup etc...

Also I stay away from the Spad due to the limite viewpoint...not really the best plane to learn in...go for the Pup or an Alb...


Thanks for your reply. My comment relates to having all the flight settings set to easy and having the plane partially stall when diving. In my opinion this is not indicitive of an easy setting.

If it were truly easy in all aspects it would not stall on a dive. When I set ROF to the most easy setting I can throw the plane alll over the sky and never see a stall unless I climb too steeply. Im sorry but I am not looking for practice makes perfect . I have flown since the first red baron and all the cfs and ILs and 1946 and and First eagles and ROF and i am still no Good at all . But i really enjoy being able to occasionally shoot down an opponent. My best planes in ROF are the Spad 13 and the Sopwith Camel. and of course the DR1. Befor I purchased this game I questioned this and SimHQ forums about being able to set this sim so that I could be competitive and all who responded said there were many easy settings and really should not have a problem.


I need to get a lot more seat time befor I can make an intelligent response as to the ease of flight in OFF. Befor i do that I need to have a good explination of just exactly how you set up a controller. Many of the assignment I put in do not work so I must be doing something wrong. .




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Stay Far Away from the SPAD when first starting out. . the Sopwith Triplane may lack the Spad's sex appeal . . but it's MUCH easier to fly


Virtual Cockpit ( your view as the pilot ) is unassigned at installation. So assign it


Many controls are triple keystroke, your life as the pilot will be a lot easier if you convert them to single key strokes. T & C #26


As far as print sizes on the menu, I'm trying to be delicate, I'd say it's time for different glasses


List of KEY COMMANDS actually used . .T & C #18


Setting up your joystick is done internally to the game ( as with all microsoft products )


To make life a lot less complicated . . utilize AUTO MIXTURE in Workshop


WWI Gunnery can be a problem .. see T & C #36 Some agree, some don't


You might be challenged by English . . .Sorry but that's the breaks . . see Tips & Cheats STICKY in the Knowledge Base . . Index see T & C #58


Also I recommend "Pilot Training Videos #13"


Nobody ever said: This schitt is easy



Now that I know what T&C is and have found it It should help a lot. I will do a lot of copy and pasting of these tips .Just needed to know where to find them and it looks like I came to the right place..

Didn't know I was Challenged by English but you learn something new every day. And yes some said that with all the easy settings in OFF it could be Easy.


I appreciate your taking the time for the detailed response.




Stil can't make the virtual cockpit work on my controller. Only if i hit f6 on the keyboard.

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Just flew a dozen quick dogfights. To say the least I am very dissappointed. i am afraid i wasted $55. never came close to hitting an easy opponent with all the easiest settings. As a matter of fact I could hardly even see them. I do much much better in ROF and the game runs much smoother. Several times game came to a complete stop and was thrown back to desktop. Whoever said all the easy settings would make the game better for a poor flyer was way off base.. I won't be bothering you fellows any longer . I would sell my dvd cfs3 and OFF disk for $40 + shipping if i could find a buyer.

Sorry to be such a grouch but i was really mislead on this Game. IN fact it is the very first one out of the many many sims over the last 20 years I have truely been dissappointed in.


Good luck and good flying


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No one mislead you at all...for a start your missing the best part of OFF and thats the campaign...I've never bothered with anything else...I'm very surprised you couldn't hit anything in OFF yet find RoF easier...the FM's are alot more forgiving in OFF..I think you will find your probably on your own with that opinion anyways...also it takes practice...flying WW1 isn't like WW2 or later you have to get real close...


Not happy at all at being accused of misleading you....you haven't put any time into the SiM and yet right it off instantly...you need to practice and before long you will be fine...I find the Tripe, Camel, Pup most likely the easiest to get kills in..also why couldn't you see them?? Did you have the targeting cone on? With that on in becomes alot easier to track a plane..I honestly believe there is no such thing as a poor flier more like someone who wants instant gratification and you wont get that in any Sim...do what we all had to do and practice...play a campaign and enjoy the RPG elements...it isn't all about killing...with all the aids on you couldn't make the Sim any easier...


Think if you want arcade there is a Red baron game around I believe or maybe First Eagles is easier than both OFF and RoF....you really need to stay away from sims if you find OFF hard to be homest..you need an arcade game.


Anyway I certainly wont be helping anyone else nor recommending this fine Sim...misled...thats a joke....honest opinions where given...the campaign game oodles atmosphere...what kind of sim have you been flying for the last 20 years????


The more I think about ti the angrier I'm getting so thats it signing off this post...

Edited by Wodin

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No one mislead you at all...for a start your missing the best part of OFF and thats the campaign...I've never bothered with anything else...I'm very surprised you couldn't hit anything in OFF yet find RoF easier...the FM's are alot more forgiving in OFF..I think you will find your probably on your own with that opinion anyways...also it takes practice...flying WW1 isn't like WW2 or later you have to get real close...


Not happy at all at being accused of misleading you....you haven't put any time into the SiM and yet right it off instantly...you need to practice and before long you will be fine...I find the Tripe, Camel, Pup most likely the easiest to get kills in..also why couldn't you see them?? Did you have the targeting cone on? With that on in becomes alot easier to track a plane..I honestly believe there is no such thing as a poor flier more like someone who wants instant gratification and you wont get that in any Sim...do what we all had to do and practice...play a campaign and enjoy the RPG elements...it isn't all about killing...with all the aids on you couldn't make the Sim any easier...


Think if you want arcade there is a Red baron game around I believe or maybe First Eagles is easier than both OFF and RoF....you really need to stay away from sims if you find OFF hard to be homest..you need an arcade game.


Anyway I certainly wont be helping anyone else nor recommending this fine Sim...misled...thats a joke....honest opinions where given...the campaign game oodles atmosphere...what kind of sim have you been flying for the last 20 years????


The more I think about ti the angrier I'm getting so thats it signing off this post...


Hey, Wodin. Calm down, have a beer, go and shoot down a Spad or something. Let him go - you can't please everybody. And don't give up on advising others - it's one of the strengths of this forum I think.


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Hey Wodin, Please don't stop giving advise! I just ordered BH&H and I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival. I may need (probably will need) help too and I promise not to bail out. I do have a question and I'm sure it's probably already been handled here, but here goes...... I have the ancient, measly little old Sidewinder joy stick. Will this work decently or should I start lookin for a better one? I really don't want a high tech, high priced one but maybe a middle of the road usable one...... any recommendations?



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Hi Tbolin,


Don't mean to jump on your question if it's intended strictly for Wodin, but here's my 2 cents worth.


Your Sidewinder should work fine. Logitech seems to be the most common affordable alternative...and they make a couple of sticks that are quite functional and within your price range I'm sure.


Uncle Al has one (or more than one?)....not sure which model, but he's done his homework when it comes to the Logitech line. Hopefully he'll jump in with some additional input.


As for me.....I still like my Microsoft Force Feeback 2. Some guys complain about the vibration or kick from the machine guns being overstated, but there are ways around that.


Welcome to the forum.





Edited by Parky

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