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Hello, All.


Does anyone know how to get rid of the windscreen tint inside the TMF Tomcat's cockpit?


.....it's bringing down the framerate CONSIDERABLY. :boredom:






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have you tried renaming the 'frontglass.tga', to it can't call for it? (ie: xfrontglas.tga)



kevin stein

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i removed it from the folder before and went back in-game. but that didn't really do anything.

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than, my guess would be its an 'applied material' issue to the windshield mesh. Nothing you can do about it (even experimented with the stock 'canopyglass.tga', suitably renamed, and still have a slight tint.



kevin stein

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Most likely its a mesh that can be moved out of the way.


I'll take a look. :good: :good:


Butt, it probably won't help framerate. I bet what you saw was turning off cockpit made the tint go away and you get faster frames. That framerate hit is coming from the whole cockpit, not the "glass."

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Sid, are you using mirrors? What are you using for computer and video card? I doubt the tint is causing this.


-- F-14A MF -- this is an old download, is there a newer SF2 F-14MF?


For this model I have downloaded some time ago, the main canopy "glass" is tinted with the two tga files in the Cockpit folder...





Just rename the files. Don't delete them, you might want them back. Consider renaming these files as the game's on/off option for canopy "glass" or "reflection" which sadly has never worked for 3rd party mods (or even some Thudwire aircraft like A-6).


The front armoured glass, tinted blue, is so nicely done, I'd keep it. They did a great job on this one. The "glass" is minimal tint except for the armoured glass, which is as it should be. Very thick stuff.


To delete the armoured glass, I bet its inside the cockpit 3D model and some part must be found to move it. That can probably be done, bu I suggest keeping it, as it looks fantastic.


And like I said, I doubt its the tint or its mesh causing performance problems.

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Reduce the .BMPs files to a size equal or smaller than 1024X1024. That's work. :salute:

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is there a newer SF2 F-14MF?





You been freeze dried or doing hard time? Its been out since June of last year....man you really need to get off that old ass 06 install and get with the new stuff. Pretty skies and contrails are for MSFS. Simulated air combat is what we're all about.

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Yea I know hear ya. Maybe. :good:



Just giving you crap Lexx! :lol:

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