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I love the A-1H Skyraider and while I was playing about with skins I created some personalised nose art. Hawkeye has been my callsign since the heady days of Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. Just thought I would share it.

Edited by harryleith
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Looks cool how do u do that i wanted to put a shark mouth on an F-16 From Spangdlem

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paint it on the skin template (if one existed, that is)



kevin stein

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Looking pretty nice Harry!

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You can do either really and get the same result

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Ok cool cuz their is this paint scheme that i wanna do with the F-16C Block 50 or 52

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Okay sounds cool! :good:


Or you need somebody to do it or don't know how?

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Speaking of nose arts can both sides carry the art what i mean i i painted a heart on a jet and the heart was not up side down but as soon as i put it on the other side it was upside down

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you have to vertical flip the heart so when you look at it in the game it looks correct.

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or, if it's a decal, Reverse=TRUE


having done literaly HUNDREDS of nose art decals....



kevin stein

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