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military logic

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I know...


check this out, so today I had my annual physical check up. Dont be impressed, it is mostly a lot of questions and more questions, and someone taking your blood pressure, then making you wait for an hour for another person to ask you the same questions and say "see you next year".


speaking of questions, on the health critique it asked "highest level of education?" just before "any history of heart disease in your family?"...explain that one


wait, there is more. so it was time for my hearing test as well. sat down in the little torture booth and he asked me "do you wear glasses?"...I said "what?"...do you wear glasses?"...I asked, "this is my hearing test, right? what does that have to do with my hearing test? and since we are asking questions around here, why did your form ask my highest level of education? especially since the USAF paid for it, you think they would know". His reply, which will impress you, "sir, it is just a question we have to ask". I told him that I didnt know if I wore glasses or not, be back after my eye exam.


Its funnier because they make a big deal about filling out a questionnaire online, then they ask the same questions when you show up, plus they hand a clip board with: those same questions. I like to answer some of the questions differently on each form, just to make them wonder, or see if any one checks the facts.


I also learned to NEVER admit to ANY consumption of alcohol, tobacco, bacon, or fun...that will get your post box inundated with "helpful" pamphlets.


When I was finishing my Master's Degree, I was an Executive Officer (again, dont be impressed, it means you do the Commander's paperwork and keep his schedule...sound like a secretary? No, they get paid by the hour and have something called a lunch break and holidays) and had a flying commitment and had mandatory-extra-curricular activities (I know that is an oxymoron, see title) and basically worked 13-15 hours a day plus weekends and had marriage problems (see first part of this sentence). So on one of the forms it asked to gauge my stress level. So I rounded way down and marked a 2 out of 10 (and was lying, it was more like 14 out of 10)...man, you would have thought I was climbing the bell tower...maybe they never had anyone dumb enough to mark one of those forms before, maybe his annual performance report was due, either way they sent me a rain forest's worth of paper pamphlets and brochures. None of it helpful by the way, not at all.


Feel free to add your own experience with military logic.



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I gave up along time ago trying to figure out military logic.



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Just remember this--military logic was created by following directives from civilian logic.

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Here goes: Failed RAF OASC medical due to eye exam however passed the rest... Passed Royal Navy OASC, same eye exam, both administered by the RAF at Cranwell. Turns out the RAF want Pilots with 6/6 natural vision whilst the RN will settle for 6/12 corectable to 6/6. So medically I'm unfit to fly for the RAF however was considered perfectly fit to fly the same bloody Harriers that had just been transfered to the RN element of JFH from the RAF.


Craig :blink:

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All I remember is:


1. Hurry up and wait.


2. There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way.


3. Don't drop the garbage off the fantail like you're told. Drop it over the side like everybody else (it makes sense if you know the story).


Sparky - love your avatar. She's gorgeous.

Edited by ShrikeHawk

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