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Question about SAM's

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Hi. I noticed that some US SAM's are never spawned whereas Soviet SAM's are flodding the map. For example in the 60's 80's period the map is full of SA-3 SA-5 etc. but on the Allied side the Hawk or Nike systems never show up. Likewise later in the 90's the map si full of SA-19 SA-10 but the Patriot system never shows up. The air defense of the Allies are almost always comprised of crappy AAA's. So i took a peak in the ground objects folder. I noticed that for example both the SA-10 and the Patriot system are set as STATIC_SAM and they both cover more or less the same period. So why the game spawns only the SA-10 and never the Patriot ?? Just for testing i tried setting the Patriot as STATIC_AAA and suddently it started to appear on map. But i'm not sure if it's functional since it needs a radar , and the Patriot system radar never shows up since it's set up as SAM_Radar. So why do Soviet SAM's appear like they should, but US SAM's are always ignored ?? It's just stupid that the Soviets defend their airspace with SA-10's and SA-22's while the Allies are defending it with AAA's witch are almost usless.....Any ideas to straighten things out?

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Because most of the sites are AAA not SAM.

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Its a problem of the stock map. To have blue SAM sites you must add them in the targets.ini first. Or you try a terrain where blue SAM are already included.

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  On 2/23/2011 at 1:15 PM, Gepard said:

Its a problem of the stock map. To have blue SAM sites you must add them in the targets.ini first. Or you try a terrain where blue SAM are already included.


Well , besides the stock map i also have Israel, American NW , Battle Of Britain, Black Sea, Lybia , California and Bering Strait. Do you happen to know witch one of these have blue SAM's included? Thanks.

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  On 2/23/2011 at 12:34 PM, Rapadelic said:

whereas Soviet SAM's are flodding the map. For example in the 60's 80's period the map is full of SA-3 SA-5 etc.


Do you see operational SA-5 missiles in SF1? I mean, do they have both radars and launchers? I have only seen SA-5 only in weapon packs and never in any terrains. The only SAMs I can see in the red side are SA-2, SA-3, SA-6, SA-7, SA-8, SA-9, SA-13.




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Any map that I've worked on WILL have Blue Side SAMS.


Don't forget, YOU must have the necessary items in your /GroundObjects folder, and the various missiles in your /Weapons folder.


I've had multiple working SA-5s ... having caught many a one right the teeth.



kevin stein

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  On 2/23/2011 at 6:51 PM, tiopilotos said:

Do you see operational SA-5 missiles in SF1? I mean, do they have both radars and launchers? I have only seen SA-5 only in weapon packs and never in any terrains. The only SAMs I can see in the red side are SA-2, SA-3, SA-6, SA-7, SA-8, SA-9, SA-13.





You can also find the SA-5, SA-10 ,SA-11,SA-15,SA-17 and SA-22 in the download section. Beware of the last one :)).



Regarding my problem i managed to fix it by replacing a lot of lines of AAA with SAMRadar & SAMLauncher in GERMANYCE_TARGETS. Finally both sides are on par now.....

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  On 2/23/2011 at 7:16 PM, Wrench said:
I've had multiple working SA-5s ... having caught many a one right the teeth.


Yea...that was a hazard when I was testing the B-70...:).


Ironic that one of my creations was getting destroyed by another of my creations...



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if you look around in the downloads section --and I cant remembe exactly where (terrain mods? Object mods??)-- you'll find a GermanyCE _targets and _types ini already set up with HISTORICALLY correct HAWK placements.

Was done by "NBell" (Nick Bell), who ran a HAWK battery in Europe, so he knew what he was doing.


Try a search for 'files by NBell'



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Israel2 terrain has few israeli SAM sites. Battle of Britain 70th has SAM sites for UK and France. Persian Gulf has SAM sites in Iran and the Gulf States. Deutschland terrain (Germany for SFP1) has blue SAM. etc pp.

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