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Saw this posted on a aircraft power cord station on the government side of the house.


Do you REALLY need to be told this if you work on aircraft for a living?


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You said government... :lol:

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cmon now Dave we guvinmint empl..empl...workers are highly smart we are!!!:lol::rofl:


see i even editting so i could spel write!

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Right... kill the lawyers.....


Surely in oposition to the claimants case it could have been pointed out that in order to get in the pillock must have seen the signs, ergo been aware he was a prospective darwin candidate.... Thus resulting in a slap to the back of the head for wasting the courts time... :dntknw:



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I would like to think it is silly, but someone went to the trouble to put up that sign for a reason. Personally, I have been a supervisor in the private sector and the g'ment for 19 years now and every time I think I have seen it all, nope.



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Right... kill the lawyers.....

Nope, kill the law writers and those that vote for those laws :grin:

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i rather enjoyed the notices in the DFACs in Kandahar telling people not to jog on the runway(mind you there is a takeoff or landing about every friggin minute). and yes virginia, it was put up because people were caught. as the ad said, dont be a hood ornament for a C-5!

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