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What is this cloth eared bimbo on about?

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I'd love to stick her thick head into a Reactor!


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hahaha oh man. There sure are idiots everywhere. Gotta love Fox News.

Man she has an annoying way of speaking.

Edited by xclusiv8

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I like her a lot.


She was once on Newsnight ( back when I could still bring myself to watch the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation, AKA Al-JaBeeba, AKA the BBC ) and she absolutely filleted that sneering liberal 'intellectual' Jeremy Paxman.


Her accent does grate on me a bit.

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If Saddam Hussein had gone on the talk show circuit proclaiming the benefits of a diet higher in fish and vegetables with less red meat, it wouldn't have made him any more appealing.


Just because you're capable of making sense doesn't mean you're someone people should listen to if the times when you do NOT make sense are so miserable.

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Epic fail - 'Some radiation may kill you as we saw at Nagaskai and Horishima' so not the massive f*** off fireballs then?


Unfortunately for the media the effects of radiation can't be summarised in one headline or 30 seconds of airtime, obviously this exceeds their intellectual capacity if not that of the rest of us.


For those of you with an attention span that can be measured in seconds something useful

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Just to clarify my position (sat down, near a computer etc.), technically a lot of what she says is true, however without understanding why, how or what she's talking about that's irrelevant. A lot of the effects of radiation exposure are only available as statistical results due to various factors such as most of the planet being radioactive to some extent, humans (and most lifeforms) evolving under these conditions, radiation being massively misunderstood by the lay person (in terms of types exposure levels etc.).

Yes, in some cases a higher than average exposure to radiation does appear to have a beneficial effect, but without understanding how or why that happens you can't categorically say that it's a good thing. i.e. As an oil well logging engineer I received a higher than average dose of radiation, however I also had a much better health care plan than the average person, which do you think had the greater effect on my life expectancy?

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Just to clarify my position (sat down, near a computer etc.), technically a lot of what she says is true


There you go then, it's much better analysis than what we get from those greeny, lefty, metrosexual, Islington Guardian readers who run the BBC and unfairly dominate the UK media because they get guaranteed funding by extorting £3.2 billion from anyone who owns a television ( but not me, I don't pay them squat, and I haven't done for 20 years, they can sod off )


Anyway, I just realised who you are. Top job on the Canberra, I'd be flying it now if MSFS 2004 wasn't so f-cking useless. I re-install that sim once every couple of years, then realise why I uninstalled it last time ( boring, nothing to blow up, or blow you up, and abysmal frame rates considering the quality of the graphics )

You should convert it to SF:2 - I'd buy it as payware.

Edited by Siddley

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Anyway, I just realised who you are. Top job on the Canberra, I'd be flying it now if MSFS 2004 wasn't so f-cking useless. I re-install that sim once every couple of years, then realise why I uninstalled it last time


???.....Framerates??....On a 1/2 decent PC on full graphics..you should be getting 60-80 fps with it

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???.....Framerates??....On a 1/2 decent PC on full graphics..you should be getting 60-80 fps with it


Well maybe so. But I have their stupid Windows operating system, the genuine FS2004 software and a processor from their favoured Intel manufacturer but still it's like a slideshow. It should run like a Swiss watch with no input from me considering what I paid for it.


I'm no mug at getting games to run but FS2004 beat me.


I honestly can't be arsed to play beta-tester for them over 8 year old unsupported software, so it's s**tcanned.


Plus it's boring. Take off, fly around, land. You could teach monkeys to do that :grin:


FS 2004 reminds me of that comedy sketch from the 'Fast Show' where Colin takes his girlfriend on a real time simulated flight in a 747 :grin:

Edited by Siddley

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Wow, I thought we only had neo-conservative, stone age d-bags in the U.S.A.:drinks:


( Meant to be humorous not offensive. Please note the beer drinking emoticons!)

Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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