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Change call signs in game

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Hi i was wondering if u can change ur call sign. For Example instead of being called crab tuna and other call signs in the game i was wonderingif u can make ur own call sign

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That would be cool, you could use real call signs from Vietnam then, like Pine, Oak, etc, from the Korat F-105 squadron. "Oak, taxi, two of the Finest", it's a quote I read form one of Ed Rasimus's first missions. I would be interested in this too.

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well, for the text only, just write the new callsign in the mission file:




Name=Anvil <--here



but the audio radio will call you "cowboy"


for have the audio call, I think that you must add the audio file for the call in the speech folder and modify the speechtest.str

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My understanding is that many of the call signs are historically correct.

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