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How Handy is the JS Generic Mod Enabler?

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Very handy indeed! Started messing about with it last night to see how it would work to set up my OFF / Mediterranean Air War for the RFC / AFC campaign series I have been working on over the last year in my spare time, (spare time...HA!). I've discovered it will make this sooooooo simple, not only to set up, but to share with others as well.








While I could not post the finished mod in the download section due to requests from the devs to keep the P3 files out of offerings to the general public, I could make it available via email to members here who already own OFF. You would of course need to also have the free MAW downloads installed, but those are still readily available online.


So cool. :cool:







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It would be un-Australian of me not to be very interested in your work in this regard, Lou.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to run this as a seperate 'game' (install) to the Western Front theatre - and at this point I don't have the MAW add-on files. But if it's all ok for you to share your work via email - well, as you say . . . cool! :cool:


Presume - being the avid reader that you are - you know about "Fire in the Sky: The Australian Flying Corps in the First World War" by Michael Molkentin (?) It would be a good companion piece for your mod.

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TaillyHo, while I don't have access to Molkentin’s fine work on the subject, I have been using the contemporary volume, "The Australian Flying Corps in the Western and Eastern Theatres of War, 1914-1918", and it has proven invaluable. Also, the MAW install is a stand-alone just like OFF is, and will create it's own folder right from your original CFS3 install. Works very slick and you can pop back and forth between them with no ill effects.


For those who need it, here is the link to the multi-part down load of the outstanding MAW mod:


CFS3 Mediterranean Air War





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Youve asked a question I was pondering myself Lou...What games/sims is it for?

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I highly recommend that anyone who likes to add ANY kind of mod to their stock game installation that they get and install JSGME. It is simply an indispensable program for both modders and anyone who likes to use mods to have.

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Yep, and you don't have to do anything much.

You install JSGME in the sim's main folder. Then you create a folder also there, called "mods".

Throw the mods you want to use into this folder.

Now you see the mods in the left frame of JSGME.

And to activate it, you move it per arrow key into the right frame - and done.


You can always remove it the other way round.

Edited by Olham

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Ah? I didn't realise that. In my first install, I didn't even have a "mod" folder.

All the mods were in the main folder! JSGME still found them though.

Well, now I know better.

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I don't see why, WM. Should work with nearly all sims.



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Lou - I PM'd you..but in case it didn't go through, please let me know.




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JSGME works with any game I have added mods to.I don't have a lot of time to spend on the computer these days. But it works in Silent Hunter 3 and 4 for sure. Works in Grand Prix Legends again seems like there all sims of one sort or another.


If I can use it anyone can believe me.

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I have used JSGME for years on a lot of games. The ONLY game that I have not figured out how to get it to work on is the new TW SF2 series because the SF2 series puts the mods in the C/user/saved games/ThirdWire folder, while the original games may be located on another HD like mine. Since you do not mod the original game, but put the mods in the C/user/saved games/ThirdWire folder, the JSGME does not work (unless somebody can tell me how to set up the new path).

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TaillyHo, while I don't have access to Molkentin’s fine work on the subject, I have been using the contemporary volume, "The Australian Flying Corps in the Western and Eastern Theatres of War, 1914-1918", and it has proven invaluable. Also, the MAW install is a stand-alone just like OFF is, and will create it's own folder right from your original CFS3 install. Works very slick and you can pop back and forth between them with no ill effects.


For those who need it, here is the link to the multi-part down load of the outstanding MAW mod:


CFS3 Mediterranean Air War




Ok, started downloading the files - so many, and so big!

The post there talks about having CFS3 installed and updated to 3.1a. I have the Ubisoft DVD version fo CFS3 and OFF was happy to use that as is. Does that mean my DVD version of CFS3 is already patched to 1.3a? Anyone?

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Many thanks chaps...gonna check it out now

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I highly recommend that anyone who likes to add ANY kind of mod to their stock game installation that they get and install JSGME. It is simply an indispensable program for both modders and anyone who likes to use mods to have.


I agree, but if you use JSGME with OFF and CFS3 it’s important to know about this:


"Unlike other Flight Simulator versions CFS3 has no specific location for textures. They may be placed anywhere in any of the CFS3 folders and they will still be found and used."


So if you want to use JSGME for DDS-files in OFF/CFS3 it’s advisable to have the Mods folder outside your OFF/CFS3 folder! :cool:





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That is very good to know, thanks much for the tip vonOben. Where would you recommend parking the MODS folder?



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Quick update: I've discovered that using the JSGME to swap in the files for my OFF/MAW set-up is not quite as simple as I'd hoped. Certain aircraft will have the wrong engine sounds, some of the effects are incorrect, and the like. When I manually go in and swap the needed files and folders as I've done in the past it seems to work fine, but this then requires two separate MAW installs, (one stock and one "built" for OFF). I will continue to pick away at this as time allows and hopefully it will be something relatively simple.



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Quick update: Certain aircraft will have the wrong engine sounds, some of the effects are incorrect, and the like. .


Hi Lou


I have my Mods folder in the same folder as I have my Over Flanders Fields folder, so just move it one step up in the folder system. :cool:


I don’t know if it’s only dds files that CFS3 can find if they placed anywhere in any of the CFS3 folders. If the effects are dds files it’s no surprise that the effects are incorrect since they are found in the mods folder when the Mods folder is a subfolder in the OFF/MAW/CFS3 folder.


Try moving your mods folder and see how it goes.


Please note that you must add the top OFF/MAW/CFS3 folder name to your Mods folders when you move them one step up!



If you have a Game folder and in that folder you have: OFF, CFS3, MAW etc and here you create a "MAW Mods" folder, a "OFF Mods" folder and a "CFS3 Mods" folder for instance.

The first folder in the "MAW Mods" folder is the name of the Mod. In this case for example "OFF-MAW Mod". The first subfolder in the "OFF-MAW Mod" should be MAW and the next subfolder for example "Aircraft" and so on.


I hope you understand what I mean...





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Fellows, I have a confession to make.


When I first started developing my mods and decided to use JSGME to install and activate my mods, I mistakenly thought--and told everyone--that the JSGME.exe should be placed in the OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. This is actually incorrect. JSGME.exe and the MODS folder really belongs in the parent OBDSoftware directory.


Although having JSGME in the CFSWW1 OFF folder does not cause any harm to your files or system, it does cause problems when trying to use CFS3 as the basis for other grand mods such as the CFS3/MAW mod.


Fortunately, I have found that having multiple copies of JSGME in different folders of your game or games does not seem to have any negative results. You just have to be careful where you place each mod to make sure that it goes in the correct MODS directory. One way to get around this is to give your different mod directories different names, such as MODS1, MODS2, etc.


I am very sorry for any excess confusion this error on my part may have caused anyone who uses my mods or JSGME. The fault is wholly my own and has nothing to do with JSGME itself. I accept whatever discipline the field courts martial feels may be appropriate. :salute:

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Okay, before you hang yourself - you better serve your country.

The verdict shall be:

- 3 patrols over enemy lines

- 5 artillery spotting missions

- 1 airfield or railyard attack


Dismissed, Lieutenant!

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Thanks for the sage advice vonOben and Herr Prop-Wasche. I will look into trying your suggestions when I get back home this weekend.



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Fellows, I have a confession to make.


When I first started developing my mods and decided to use JSGME to install and activate my mods, I mistakenly thought--and told everyone--that the JSGME.exe should be placed in the OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. This is actually incorrect. JSGME.exe and the MODS folder really belongs in the parent OBDSoftware directory.



There are several ways of setting up JSGME, as described in the Help file.

You can have one installation of JSGME, and make a shortcut for each game it’s to be used for and you simply change the shortcut properties "Start in" and "Run to" for that specific game, as described in the Help file. :cool:


Or you can have several JSGME installations - one for each game.

I’ve used the first alternative and it works excellent for CFS3/OFF if you place the mod folder as described above. :good:









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