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good mods out?

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Hi guys,as some of you are aware ive recently purchased OFF and was wondering if theres any good stable mods for it.

i have only purchesed BHAH for now,il have to aquire HITR at a l8r date,i was going to download some you see and get my pc

all set up for when OFF comes in the post,any info and links would be greatly apprieciated many thanks :flyer: Adger over and out.

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this latest from Bletchley's pretty cool.....installs easily and works flawlessly. You can read about it here... http://combatace.com/topic/63859-19161-mod/ HPW's done some pretty detailed work with damage models, tracers, and so on.......but the thing is that straight out of the box OFF is so good, so great to look at, and fly........ that you'll be lost for life and never have to touch it unless you've an itch to change things a bit (almost universal). In any event, read up on the settings that'll give you the best your computer's got fps wise...I think they're in the stickies......and have a ball...........

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thanks gaw much apprieciated :drinks:

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Welcome to the mud and madness... Adger as to mods I will admit that the first thing I look for is mods but for OFF never have done as it is superb without them... oh and new guy buys the drinks... Coffee and schapps danke...

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Not a mod, but the next most essential thing if you don't already have it: TrackIR. :cool:


And if you order soon, it might arrive about the same time as your BH&H disc!

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Cheers Taillyho track ir is something im striving to purchase,while were on the subject would track ver 4 be fine or should i pay that bit extra for ver 5 thanks :drinks:

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I use TrackIR 4 Pro hardware, and updated the software to TIR5 - works fine for me.

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A lot of us us TR4, works great and you can use the TR5 software. I use the hat clip without a problem, just remember you can't have a light behind you or the pick-up gets confused.



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There's a few I recommend:


1) HPW's damage model. He also said he's about to release a new mod for gun accuracy of scouts and observers, might be out by the time you get your OFF CD.


2) Olham's ViewUI file for nicer, less obtrusive labels http://combatace.com...__1#entry480590


3) Louvert's new OFF medals


4) Creaghorn's Sound Tweaks & modifications to tracers and smoke effects.


5) Hmm. What am I missing? Feel like there's more!


6) Survival In The Air settings are highly recommended. Visit the forum dedicated to it for details.


7) I use hat-switch instead of TrackIR. Leaves some blindspots but it's workable. I'm thinking of getting a webcam and experimenting with FreeTrack. TrackIR is definitely, definitely preferable. Also you're going to want a way to use your rudders comfortably. I have them set to the shoulder buttons on the Sidewinder Freestyle (http://www.amazon.co...01590073&sr=8-2) I've flown with for eleven years now. Not that I recommend it to you, it's positively ancient but I'm used to it, have used it since I got my first flight sim!


Left & Right rudder are crucial, you need them or you won't be able to turn fast enough to avoid the Hun in the sun before he swats you.

Edited by Javito1986

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thanks once again guys ,you really are the best in the buisness,Adger over and out.:flyer:

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That's good info uncle. I didn't know that, will keep in mind once I start looking into getting my own TrackIR system.

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has anyone tried creaghorns HDR and BLOOM mod out,ive just unpacked it while i wait for OFF 3 to come thru the post thanks

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Yes, I am just trying it out. It makes more contrast, but that means, all dark parts get even darker.

I'm not yet sure, if I will keep it.

See my last posts in "Screenshots", they are made with it - and compare with earlier ones.

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