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stock skins or 3rd party

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Hi guys,as most of you are aware by now im waiting for my copy of OFF 3 to come thru the post,while waiting ive been addicted to the forum

it really is the best forum by a country mile that ive ever seen.ive been reading about some of the missions you guys have experienced along with screenshots.

i was just wondering if most of you guys fly with stock OFF 3 aircraft,or use 3rd party skins ,thanks guys ps any reccomendations on skins would be most apprieciative,

ive allready got my patch folder and couple of mod folders ready Adger over and out :flyer:.

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In the "Download" section (button above) you find mods, maps, and aircraft skins made by users.

There are lots to see through.

I also recommend to get the free downloadable program IRFANVIEW, and see through the OFF skins.

OFF offers the incredible amount of over 3.400 skins!!! You will find one, that suits you.

Here is the download link.



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thanks olham,once again for your help ,just had a nosy bloody hell where to start :nea:

Edited by Adger1971

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I agree with Al on this one. Get your 5 then treat yourself special.



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I'd say first become an ace, then be concerned about your paint job. But that's just me

Ditto, definitely.

And you should really fly OFF for some time, as it was made, before you use any mods.

Believe me - it is beautiful artwork, as it is.

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thanks guys thatd be my plan then 5 kills (i hope) then il treat myself,by the way i intend to play on full realistic settings

i allways get more from a sim that way. Cannntt wait much Lonngeeeeerrrr AHHHHH!!!!!!:salute:

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Skinning is one of the additional enjoyments I get from OFF...Creating a personalised plane really adds to the immersion...I always start as a stock skin, and 'reward' myself a custom skin, once I have achieved 10 kills

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Adger, ReDDot in Norway has received his DVD now - so: there is hope!

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It can be a little 'hit or miss'...some arrive very quickly..others take a while longer

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yeah once it gets to britain its usually pretty quick then,sometimes depends on wether or not its posted 1st or 2nd class

that can make a hugh difference,yet so little difference in price,if i say anything on play or amazon i always post 1st class

any idea when REDDOT sent his order in anyone? cheers :drinks:

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