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New to TrackIR 5

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I got my TrackIR 5 a couple days ago, installed it ok. I did fly missions in Quick Combat on the basic setting but the movement is too quick, don't get full range view, I can't look at my 6 and I have a hard time tracking other airplanes. I have read the trackIR set up General Help but the instructions and pictures are for TrackIR 4. I have read through all the threads in general discussions (to page 25) and the OFF BHAH General help ( all the pages). On page 15 in General discussions, Olham's thread "New TrackIR Profile for fighters" he said we could use his example of his profile, it did not give a link to profile or how to view it.


I must admit, I am not good with computers. It is hard for me to understand what I must do to get the best results. For example, Olham discussed " Setting the FOV (field of view) on page 11, I tried to adjust my settings with no luck. so I put them back to the default setting. I I have Microsoft Flight sim 2004 & MS Combat 2 and I had no problem down loading & installing airplanes, adventures, and campaigns. So I do know some of the basics but I can't seem to apply them to OFF.


Please, I do need help, I am very frustrated. I fly OFF campaign missions daily and I agree this is not game, it is much more. I love it!







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Make sure you head is tracked properly *outside* of the sim first. Use the Naturalpoint TrackIR 5.1 program check how the dots move (and if they are mostly centered properly too) and how your head does.


The easiest way to increase or decrease sensitivity I found is to move the "Speed" slider (under "Motion Control") up or down half a notch at a time and test. The other thing is make sure the trackir receiver is far enough away from you and if TrackIR5 move a few inches to the LEFT of your monitor if you use TrackClipPro.


I'm no expert on it hopefully someone else can help more.

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Can't help with Trackir 5 as I use TR4 myself


As far as adding goodies to OFF, it can't be done PERIOD. It ain't a matter of you doing something wrong, nobody can do it. Are you having any problem with Campaign in OFF, it seems to satisfy most





I don't mean to hijack this thread but is TrackIR 5 that much better than 4? I'm considering both and there's roughly a $30. difference between the two.

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I'm a 4 user and am perfectly happy, I even use the hat clip. I think Olham has 5, maybe he will chime in.



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I'm a 4 user and am perfectly happy, I even use the hat clip. I think Olham has 5, maybe he will chime in.




My initial thoughts are that for some WW2 sim games the 5 provides an advantage because it supposedly tracks quicker and with better clarity and I can see how quick those games can move. From what I've seen (I haven't played this sim yet) OFF moves a lot slower then WW2 sims so that the 4 would suffice given the nature of battles. Please someone correct me if I am wrong but I'm leaning toward the 4 for this reason - maybe the 5 is overkill unless money is no object?

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I don't mean to hijack this thread but is TrackIR 5 that much better than 4? I'm considering both and there's roughly a $30. difference between the two.

Read my review here. It explains the differences between the two units. Bottom line: If you can swing the extra $30 do it.

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I may not be able to help much, I use 3Pro with the 5 software. But Polovski has got you going on the right track. Start you Trak IR on the default display to the right you see the grid squares with the X and Y axis put your mouse pointer on that and with your mouse wheel scroll the grid in or out. You will see a model head from the rear. On the upper left side you'll see the speed setting and the smoothness. I have mine set at 0.5 for speed and 35 for smoothness.


Now you have to make sure the Trak IR unit is a minimum of 24 inches from you hat clip or whatever 5 comes with. Set yourself back 36 inches from it and see how that feels. To close and you are wasting your time. You can find profiles on-line at Natural Point, Google is your friend here.


If you fig git in your chair as I do, you need to create a profile with a bit of a dead zone. This can be found on-line as well.


It's plug and play WITH a little extra tweaking involved. Believe me I don't know how to add stuff to FSX and you do. So if I can nail down Trak IR anyone can.


The profile I use I found on-line at some IL2 forum and the creators name of the profile is or was 369_CharveL. Its the one I have been using for along time as it suits me fine.


I do have the profile but how I would get it to you so all you have to do is drop it in the Natural Point/ Profiles folder. Is beyond me. I see there is a attach file thingy on the bottom here, but I don't think we are allowed to attach stuff like a profile on our posts. Like I said I don't know much about computer stuff.

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I got my TrackIR 5 a couple days ago, installed it ok. I did fly missions in Quick Combat on the basic setting but the movement is too quick, don't get full range view, I can't look at my 6 and I have a hard time tracking other airplanes. I have read the trackIR set up General Help but the instructions and pictures are for TrackIR 4. I have read through all the threads in general discussions (to page 25) and the OFF BHAH General help ( all the pages). On page 15 in General discussions, Olham's thread "New TrackIR Profile for fighters" he said we could use his example of his profile, it did not give a link to profile or how to view it.


I must admit, I am not good with computers. It is hard for me to understand what I must do to get the best results. For example, Olham discussed " Setting the FOV (field of view) on page 11, I tried to adjust my settings with no luck. so I put them back to the default setting. I I have Microsoft Flight sim 2004 & MS Combat 2 and I had no problem down loading & installing airplanes, adventures, and campaigns. So I do know some of the basics but I can't seem to apply them to OFF.


Please, I do need help, I am very frustrated. I fly OFF campaign missions daily and I agree this is not game, it is much more. I love it!


Rich, as Pol says, check you camera is 'reading' your sensors clearly first. Then try selecting the 'Smooth' profile (rather than the 'Default') - and move the smoothness slider to the right until it's about 2/3 the way along. I found whilst the 'smooth' profile isn't as quick, it is (surprisingly!) smoother in its tracking and also makes it easier to see all the way behind you - at least at a glance.


I found Olham's profile even better, and after a bit of discussion with him and further tweaking, I have a profile that I really like for OFF. Weird that the actual profile file is no longer available from that thread, perhaps Olham will add some advice here - or you could PM him and ask nicely - he's a very obliging fellow!


If you're in the UK, the recent edition of 'PC Pilot' had a nice little article on setting up and tweaking TrackIR 5.

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Jwrich, to see the setup window, you start TrackIR, then you should see a TrackIR button/frame

at the bottom of your desktop. Click that to open the setup menue.

I cannot explain the whole ways of setup to you here; just check YouTube for demo videos.


Or you can try my own personal newest profile - it is pretty much "one to one", and I have much improved

the "Yaw Axis" in that way, that it doesn't require turning your had so far anymore, to get to your six.

Still, it works pretty smooth. I attach a zipped version here. You need to unpack it and throw it into

C: programs > NaturalPoint > TrackIR5 > Profiles.




Shiloh, to save the 30,- bucks, you can buy the TrackIR 4 Pro hardware, and then download the

free software for TrackIR 5. It works - I do the same.



Edited by Olham

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I also have TIR4 running with the latest TIR5 software, and it works very, very well.



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Well, I had a funny little thing to happen first (Winder reported that too):

at first start, the camera device wouldn't react.

But after closing TrackIR, and starting it again, it was alright. Now I do not experience that anymore.

No idea, what changed, but now it works perfectly well.

Edited by Olham

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jwrich, if you want, give me your screen resolution, and I can provide you with two or three choices for a FOV.

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See if this helps: http://snomhf.exofire.net/trackIR.html


Retrieved from BHaH General Help forum.




ps: I would advise using the "Panoview" when setting up a profile. It gives you the best point of reference when making adjustments. You'll find it under the Display (pull down) as Load Pano.

Edited by almccoyjr

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Or you can try my own personal newest profile - it is pretty much "one to one", and I have much improved

the "Yaw Axis" in that way, that it doesn't require turning your had so far anymore, to get to your six.

Still, it works pretty smooth. I attach a zipped version here. You need to unpack it and throw it into

C: programs > NaturalPoint > TrackIR. Enjoy!



Olham, I down loaded your profile, Copied it to paste in C: programs> NatualPoint>>TrackIR, but it would not allow me to paste it. I am running windows 7 and thing work different than my XP. Also does your profile not go in C:programs>NatualPoint>TrackIR>Profiles? Does anyone who has window 7 know how to drop in or paste something in a file?


I am making progress, I change the speed & smooth setting in Basic and was able to do some quick combat, I can see this will take practice to be accustom to it.





I bought a new computer system a few months ago, running windows 7 with a flat screen monitor, HP 2010 series Wide LCd monitor. Resolution 1600X900 (recommended). It would help if got the FOV settings correct. One thing I noticed was the print is very small and hard to read for the (Cycle Info) and status messages . Can these be changed to make it easier to read?






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Read my review here. It explains the differences between the two units. Bottom line: If you can swing the extra $30 do it.


Nice review Ruggbutt. I already ordered the 4 as I'm on a budget and already $300. in with CPU upgrade, software, joystick, etc. which is about the limit of what I can spend right now. Damn...you have a sweet setup. :good:

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I take it . . . the FREE TRAC idea . .Bit the dust


I thought you'd try it . . . With TRACKIR as plan B


I thought about it but I just moved and have spent so much time putting things together, installing, fixing that I'm just sick of it and decided to just lay down the cash.

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Olham, I down loaded your profile, Copied it to paste in C: programs> NatualPoint>>TrackIR, but it would not allow me to paste it. I am running windows 7 and thing work different than my XP. Also does your profile not go in C:programs>NatualPoint>TrackIR>Profiles? Does anyone who has window 7 know how to drop in or paste something in a file?


Yes, Rich, it needs to go into the "Profiles" folder. If you can't copy and paste, maybe grab Olham's file from this thread again, and simply tell Windows7 to 'save' straight to the Profiles folder? (sorry, but I'm still running XP)

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Also does your profile not go in C:programs>NatualPoint>TrackIR>Profiles?

Does anyone who has window 7 know how to drop in or paste something in a file?

Ooops! You're right - it goes into "profiles" of course. Sorry.

Did you first unzip it? Best unzip it to desktop.

Then try to move it like this:

in the Windows Exlorer, on the left side in that tree, you click on C: programs, then on NaturalPoint, on TrackIR5.

Now you should see the content of it's folder below that - among them is the "Profiles" folder. Don't click it though.

So far so good.

Now you click on Desktop above. In the big frame on the right, you now see all that is on desktop,

among that the Olham profile.

Now click it with the mouse, hold it clicked, and pull it on the "Profiles" folder.


If that doesn't work, I can't help any further.

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Thanks Olham, I will try it. I have been reading these forums for a long time and it looks like you are the guy to go to for help. Thank you for all that you do for us. Now if I can just get the FOV set correctly.





Thanks again





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Send me your screen resolution, and I'll calculate you three version; from more remote to slightly zoomed.

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