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Hi, I have still this small bird on my list, I`m finishing it now and I`m looking for a talented skinner who would like to help me with this? :drinks:







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looks pretty good Martin!

Maybe we could deal something! :cool:

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That would be great, still mapping some parts. I used this bird as training for other projects. Still some parts are not perfect.

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lovely and needed! :clapping:

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Have to add 3D lights and animated landinglights! I try to use inly one Skinfile.

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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I'm liking that!!! I think I saw pics of it in one of Yefram Gordon's books.

Very cool!



kevin stein

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One general question Martin:

Why posted it here?

Is that a what if model? :blink:

OK, i never seen this before, but my search gave some pix as result....

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It is one of two or three prototypes and was never used in the active soviet Airforce, so we can create a what if serial prodused fighter ;)

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