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help with my decal please

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I am trying to create my first decal marking for the kuwait air force and I am using PaintShopPro X2 and fallowing this tutorial


but I keep getting this result in the game see the pic. the yellow area


I now that I am doing something wrong but can someone help me please.


Take care,




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You have to make sure that there is no background on your decal file and save it as 32bit tga!

And make sure that there is still some space between the painted area and the edges/ends of the file.

File should look something like this,

Edited by Soulfreak

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Thanks for your help and I did do just that but I keep getting the same see my attached file for teh decal.


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Try this.

If it doesn´t work, post your entries of the decals.ini

Is there another decal on that mesh? Can been something with that too!

Edited by Soulfreak

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Thanks it worked.:clapping::good: but can you just tell me what are your using and if you can tell me how to do it step by tesp if that is ok with you.:salute:




Looking forward for your replay.:drinks:

Edited by umm

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The magic is that it has to be a 32bit targa file!

I use Photoshop7.

try to search here in the knowledgebase. Maybe in SF1 section.

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there's a decal creation tutorial in FirstEagles forums (somewhere!) too. Long and involved, but detailed


The National Insignia ™ is a stock decal, as Kuwait is listed in the nations.ini. Probably be insigina051 (as that's the nation listing)


Squadron badges, however, are another story...



kevin stein

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Hi Wrench,


Thanks the information but I need it for other decal too the only tutorial that I found is this http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/SFdownloads/D...%2011-12-02.zip


but it general and I need a detailed tutorial. But I may be mistaken as I am looking all over the forum.:boredom:


Thanks a gain for your help.

Edited by umm

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Easy peasy...create a blank 125x125 image,transparent,add a layer put your decal on here,use magic wand,click on all the areas around\inside your decal,invert selection,then select as alpha channel,deselect and save as XYZ.tga

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