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So I've taken the SF1 terrain, Tunisia, and I'm trying to make it work in SF2. I went through Wrench's guidelines for converting SF1 terrains to SF2. I guessed what I'm seeing is the pointer isn't pointing to the correct GermanyCE.cat file. So, I moved my .cat file all over the place and tried all sorts of paths to the .cat file including an absolute one starting from c:\


No matter what I try, I'm seeing this...how do I fix it?



Edited by ShrikeHawk

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you're missing tiles somehow....or screwed up the data ini. Make sure you have the full terrain, and all 100 tiles in the Tunisia folder


looks fine for me


try the attached data ini (screenie was taken with this)



kevin stein

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nice job man release it asap please

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ahhhumm...if you look, you might find it in the 1stGen terrains downloads section.


however it IS for WW2 only, and not for use after 1945.



kevin stein

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Ha! Turns out that it wasn't the Tunisia_data.ini at all. I used yours, Wrench and got the same result. I remembered that I replaced my regular flightengine.ini file for the BoB terrain. Luckily I...Backed Up My Originals...and replaced my default flightengine.ini and got a much better result.


Still, my Tunisia looks much different from yours. Is that because I'm pointing at GermanyCE.cat instead of the desert one? In any event, this still looks terrific.



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it should look exactly the same. Remember, you SHOULD have a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for you MTO install, as there are theatre specific skin sets (as we discussed via PM)


what differences are you see, specificially??



kevin stein


edit: don't forget, you can add this to the main ini, thereby eliminated ALL modern aircraft:





Edited by Wrench

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it's the same terrain, SH wasn't over the desert tiles yet! :rofl:

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yup, judging by the lake in the distance, he's near Bone, Algeria. Desert/mountains to the east and south



kevin stein

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