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A/C data.ini's for WoV S1

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Hey all,


I noticed that not all a/c's have data.ini files. Example...I want to use the camouflage pilot helmet by Wrench on the F-4, the -D model has a data.ini file, while the -C & -E models do not.

Can I just copy the F-4D Data.ini file to the -C & -E models to get the data.ini files?, or will that just give them the D's flight characteristics.



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If there is no _DATA.ini on the folder it means the game is reading it from the Objects.cat file. If you want to modify it you are gonna have to extract it first. There is a tool for that on Downloads section.

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Ok, I think I have that cat extractor, I think it's called SFP1E_10, but I have not installed it yet.

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Skypats' Cat Extraction Tool (in the Utilities/Tools Downloads)

couple of threads on "How To Use It" in the Knowledge Base.


If using Vista/Winge7, put all the extractor bits (ini, exe, other stuff) in a folder on your desktop, and run it from there.


If XP, just create a new folder at the root of C (ie: C:/Cat Extractor), and put it all in there



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Wrench & Jaman,


Thanks, what a handy tool to have!

Edited by hotrodss

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