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Landing without wings

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I was patrolling behind enemy lines today at about 11000ft when archie scored a direct hit. My tailplane was extensively damaged, all 4 wings were blown off, and then my engine burst into flames. The result was that I "Landed behind enemy lines but managed to escape after 2 days". :heat:

Phew, that's a relief - thought I was a gonna there.


Naturally I did the honourable thing and retired the pilot.

I wonder if this kind of thing will be fixed for P4?

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why was it honorable? there are tales throughout the early years of military aviation of airmen in amazing survival situations. your chap could have been one of those!

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One of my niggling complaints about FS-WWi is that you can lose a wing to flak, ( on a Biplane, but the monopanes are another thing altogether..) and still attempt to fight and quite easily land. Of course if you're hit with flak on the wing of a Morane Saulnier "N" you go down in a very realistic spiral and end your "career" as a smoking crater.


One of my favorite things about FS-WWI is the optional Thornycraft truck with AA twin Vickers gun. I've got a scripted mission defending Vaulx airfield from a flight of AEG GIV's and they are marvelous to watch if you manage to disassemble one before they make your truck a smoking crater.


The wings fly off and descend like maple seeds, the engines explode or disconnect and run in over overspeed revs all the way to the ground, the fuselage becomes a giant Lawndart, and if they havent dropped their eggs yet have this amazing pyrotechnic show that follows the path of the lawndarting fuselage. Of course there's the 4 part harmony scream of the jumping German aircrews.


It very satisfying.. ( Muuaaahhhahaha!)

Edited by Lewie

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I think the fire would have killed me before I got too far down. It takes a long time to fall 11000ft and that fire was raging and I was nose down - no way to escape that. Even if I did, I don't think nurse Gladys would have the skills to put me back together again. I could be wrong of course, and I deprived the war effort of a valueable pilot. Is that treason?:drinks:

Edited by tranquillo

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It reminds me a little of this.


Except I had no wings instead of 4.

Edited by tranquillo

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tranquillo, if you have "die roll on death" selected, you should accept the outcome,


as the sim then decides, if the whole accident was fatal (it can only roll the die;


it won't watch what happened and decide thereafter :grin: ).


But if you fly "dead is dead", it wouldn't be acceptable.



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tranquillo, if you have "die roll on death" selected, you should accept the outcome,


as the sim then decides, if the whole accident was fatal (it can only roll the die;


it won't watch what happened and decide thereafter :grin: ).


But if you fly "dead is dead", it wouldn't be acceptable.




I do usually "roll the die" but couldn't accept that there was anyway I'd survive that.

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Ive landed in FE minus wings too...it's a bit 'strange' to say the least

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You British can perform the strangest things quite believeable. :grin:

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