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Guest BeachAV8R

Help with getting a SF1 airplane into SF2..?

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Guest BeachAV8R

Gulp. I thought it would be somewhat easy, but it looks to be a bit more complicated than I can tackle. I read the very nice GUIDE by MigBuster - but I start to get lost when it talks about adding cockpits by extracting object.cat and stuff. I was wondering if any kind soul would be interested in converting Russo's T-45 trainer to SF2 format...OR... (even better) - doing the Navy Trainer skin for the SF2 BAE Hawk that was modified from Russo's plane by pcpilot.


The converted BAE Hawk for SF2 is awesome, and there are half a dozen skins for it, but I was hoping in future training missions to use the Navy training livery.


Any takers? I know, I know...give a man a fish/teach a man to fish..but I just can't grasp some of the converting stuff (and my skills as a aircraft painter would be..frightening..).. I'd appreciate any help. If not, I'll have to "borrow" a U.K. plane during training.. ;)




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Putting aside your additional request for the US Navy skin, it takes about the same time that it took you to type your post as it does to convert an aircraft from SF1 to SF2. Personally, I find that the 'links' that you've put into your post to be more complicated than converting from SF1 to SF2!

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You dont need to read the whole guide - just install the aircraft as you would in SF1 (but in the folders here C:\Users\<>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\) - give it a spin and see if anything needs changing. Then go back to the guide if anythings not right.


Extracting files is also covered in the SF2 KB in my sig

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They install, basically, just like 1st Gens. For this exercise, we'll assume a standard 1stGen aircraft, with the /D decals sub-folder within the skin folder (more on that later...)


Locate the "mods folder" (for our example, we'll just use my SF2 install, yours will have a different name, and mine is Winge7)


C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2


open that, locate the /Objects/Aircraft folder

Drop the aircraft directly INTO the /Aircraft folder.


Now, it gets a little more tricky, if one wants the decals to appear without a buttload of rigamarole...


In the /Objects/Decals folder, ALSO copy/paste the entire aircraft directly into it

Then open the aircraft folder (it's copy in the /Decals folder) and delete everything but the skin folder-that means all the lods, inis, etc. (shoud look like image 1 below)


Then, opean EACH skin folder and delete everything EXCEPT the /D subfolder.

It should look like image 2 below.

what this method does, is prevent the end user from having to re-write the decals ini, and is far, far simplier and more effective.


and that's basically it. there is some fine tuning needed sometimes (usually NOT to skins/decals), but thats for another day



kevin stein

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Guest BeachAV8R

Oh..wow! That sounds easy(ier).. Let me give it a whirl.. :D Thanks!



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Guest BeachAV8R

Woohoo! Thanks for the assistance guys!




Now..how to get a tailhook on it... :dunno:

Edited by BeachAV8R
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Guest BeachAV8R

Guess I need to change the nationality for the markings to United States.. LOL.. Ooops..

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Beach, you mean like this..............



kevin stein

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Guest BeachAV8R

Alright..I'll bite! How'd you get that tailhook??

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came that way.

I've been scouring all the downloads to find out where I got it from (the lod is dated 4/22/2005. And all my archives; not even a readme with the thing. I think the skin was done by pappychksix, and I'm redoing the decals and a bunch of other stuff (can't get shadow to work, though). Hopefully, it's Russo's


Hopefully, uploaded before the weekend.



kevin stein

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Guest BeachAV8R

You'd be my hero..! That is very cool. I was seeing if I could put a "faux hook" in the aircraft .ini file..but couldn't seem to get it to take. I knew it wouldn't show up graphically, but figured I could at least trap on a carrier if the .ini file had the proper entry. Didn't work for me though.. But..if what you've shown might be available.. :notworthy:



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'fake hooks' work just fine ... we've been using one on the FJ-4M Fury and several others for Loooooooooooooong time!



kevin stein

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Guest BeachAV8R

I see you upped it to the files section! Awesome... I can't wait to get in it and incorporate it into the series. Fantastic work!


Many thanks.. :good:



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we've been using one on the FJ-4x Fury and several others for Loooooooooooooong time!


Not for much longer :grin:

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yes, we're despertaterly awaiting a proper FJ Fury!!

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Guest BeachAV8R

I love it.. One of the first adverts that popped up on the sidebar here at CombatAce this afternoon:






Hey..I had a chance to take the new T-45 around the pattern this morning. Nice job! You must have tweaked the data file some because it actually rotated and lifted off at a more proper airspeed (120-140 knots) as opposed to the old one that wouldn't leave the ground (for me) until about 175 or more knots..





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don't know, all i really did was adjust the nose gear rolling radius, and reset the CG (that's what probably did it)



kevin stein

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