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Some time ago there used to be an RGB tool which would give one the correct code to be entered into the game. Is it still around or if not what are people using these days?

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You mean the correct RGB colour code if you were creating a skin for instance?

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i think he means like the one Deuces used to have at his site. You plug in the RGB values (88/91/91) and converts it to -for lack of a better term- hex coding as is used in TK data inis


Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 <--this bit



kevin stein

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Thats it...but its gone...so what are folks using now?

Edited by Stick

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I don't seem to have - GIMP lists the hexadecimal value and Paint lists the 8 bit decimal value for R/ G/ B which I would expect. As for what TK uses there they could be a relative measure of each RGB decimal value - but not sure at the mo. Hopefully there is a program out there - if not writing something just to do that would be easy - no time to do it at the mo.

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Did you try this in the CA downloads section?





A little app for managing, viewing and modifying TW game colour swatches


Probably only really useful (maybe) for those playing with environments and effects


It’s a little rough so let me know if anyone finds glaring errors or thinks it could be better … anyone being the 1.5 people who find it useful ;-)



RGB colour sliders (RGB conversion)

Copy and paste box for TW colour “code” eg 0.045, 0.34, 0.59

Forty-two editable swatches for your comparing pleasure

All swatches are nameable

Save out all swatch/names to a txt file

Load in saved txt files



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Wow, thank you sir!

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No problem, glad I could help, I saw it the other night looking through the D/L pages for something else. Happy that I could remember where it was.

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