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Or are the newer posters too good to read either the KB or at least check the boards before they post. I mean really, 3 topics asking if there is a B-2 in a weeks time? That and in response to a request for sys specs the reply is a snarky remark, just post the info requested, some one is trying to help you keep you attitude at the door. One more thing that's bugging me, if some one post's to your problem, let them know that it helped or not, this is not free tech support, help is given because we have been in your place when we were starting out and some one gave us a hand. Please give some feed back or at least a thank you.


Okay Rant Mode off, the soap box is free.

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Must admit I have watched them with amusement... and I have had a stupid comment when asking for them to post their specs... but I keep my soap box for more useful things... like complaining about nearly running out of coffee... :drinks:

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That's a pretty common issue. I've even seen it were someone's started a thread, directly above a thread asking the very same question, in its freaking title!


We've even had a few "veteran" posters start "QnA" threads, where every single question that they've asked, could have been answered with no more than a five minute search through the knowledge base.

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Personally, I thinks it's a massive world-wide epidemic of HUA



kevin stein

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We've even had a few "veteran" posters start "QnA" threads, where every single question that they've asked, could have been answered with no more than a five minute search through the knowledge base.


I admit to being guilty of that but at least I and some others admit the mistake and move on. What gets me is the snarky and know-it-all attitude displayed. Hey, if you know everything why are you asking the "old" guys for help? Maybe it's the fact that the older I get the less tolerance I have for fools. Those of us that were in the service got spoiled by having younger folks that would listen and not give an attitude about what you were trying teach.


F*** it, I'm going to run a sim and kill something.

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