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Aircraft cannon destruction power

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I recently flew a CAS Mission in WOE with the F-16C and use my M61 cannon to destroy Tanks (T-72) it usually took 1-2 rounds to destroy them

is this realistic, because i thought only the GAU-8 can take out a tank with one round. And i also shoot down Fighters with one round. I can't imagine one shot killing a jet unless you hit something sensitive.

Edited by irati

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Theoretically, yes as the weakest armor on most Tanks and AFVs is the top. Realistically, depends on the round that is used, most of the stuff I loaded on the Hornet besides blue death was 20mm APHE and API to a lesser degree. APHE will do a number on anything it hits, API goes in deep and set the inside on fire. You have to remember that if you are using the weapon mod packs a lot of the ordnance was made using input from Odrdies and Ammo Troops that have been here from the early days.

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I recently flew a CAS Mission in WOE with the F-16C and use my M61 cannon to destroy Tanks (T-72) it usually took 1-2 rounds to destroy them

is this realistic, because i thought only the GAU-8 can take out a tank with one round. And i also shoot down Fighters with one round. I can't imagine one shot killing a jet unless you hit something sensitive.


In terms of killing another jet one round of High Explosive Incendiary 20mm cannon ammunition travelling at 3,400ft/s could easily be enough to bring down a military jet bearing in mind that has every inch of space on a modern fighter is crammed full of critical equipment, fuel and engines etc.

Edited by dtmdragon

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In terms of killing another jet one round of High Explosive Incendiary 20mm cannon ammunition travelling at 3,400ft/s could easily be enough to bring down a military jet bearing in mind that has every inch of space on a modern fighter is crammed full of critical equipment, fuel and engines etc.


Hitting a jet with anything can bring it down, one instance comes to mind, during Viet Nam a Huey flown by HA(L)-3 was hit in Mekong Delta by a VC .51 heavy MG. They took several rounds most passing through the bird without hitting anything critical, one round however hit the Huey's transmission instantly stopping the rotors. You can figure out what happened next.


There are exceptions to being hit, in the mid 90's NAWS China Lake launched it's last QF-86 as a target, an F/A-18 went up to do a missile shoot against it. The drone controller dodged all missiles fired at it and the Hornet driver put a burst of 20mm into the thing. The QF came back and landed, I counted at least 6 holes in the aft section some going into the exhaust section of the engine. Someone looked at this Sabre that seemed to say "that your best" and said "F*** it, patch the holes up and put her on display.

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I have to admit, i had the same question in my mind. I was wondering too if the guns are maybe a bit overpowered. As a comparison i remember for example in IL-2, one could dump all it's ammo on a plane and still not bring it down. As long as something critical wasn't hit,one couldn't shoot it down. The difference in SF is pretty big, where a single round is all it takes most of the times for a kill.

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I have to admit, i had the same question in my mind. I was wondering too if the guns are maybe a bit overpowered. As a comparison i remember for example in IL-2, one could dump all it's ammo on a plane and still not bring it down. As long as something critical wasn't hit,one couldn't shoot it down. The difference in SF is pretty big, where a single round is all it takes most of the times for a kill.


Want to take all doubt out of your mind? Use a max range of 400 meters for gun engagements. Get in closer and you will be able to fire short bursts with just about every round hitting the target.

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You do understand that the guns used in WWII were for the most part rifle caliber, anywhere from 7.62mm to 12.75mm, while cannon were predominately 20mm. The reason for the smaller calibers were higher rates of fire and the ability to carry more rounds into combat. Push up the time frame 5 years and you have on the MiG-15 two sizes of gun while on the F-86 there were six .50in M2 guns. The Saber had a higher rate of fire and took out a lot of MiGs but if a MiG hit you with the slower but larger of it's guns it was lights out. The reason the US and NATO switched to 20mm cannon in their new jets was that the west built on the cannons that the Germans had developed in the 40's. The Colt MK2 was one of the first used and then GE came up with the best and fastest gun at the time the M61A2 Vulcan. Another reason guns got more lethal is the fact that you can put nastier ( read better explosives) into the rounds so you get API, APHE, AP-T and so on.


In this game, as I have said before, there was a lot and I mean a lot, of input by gents whose jobs it was and in some cases still is handling and loading aircraft ordnance. Killer Bee, ArmorDave,wpnssg and myself all had input as to how effective and realistic a weapon should be. If you think that what is used in the game is overkill, then get the editor out and make some changes but don't think you can improve on what was done. It's just a game but a real good one compared to others that you can get.

Edited by firehawkordy

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If you think that what is used in the game is overkill, then get the editor out and make some changes but don't think you can improve on what was done. It's just a game but a real good one compared to others that you can get.


It was just a doubt, im not gonna touch anything. Your answer makes sense, thank you :salute:

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