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Nviida video driver question...

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Dumb question in that I know there are a hundred variables and everyone's system is different but...


What Nvidia driver do you find gives the best performance for OFF?


Downloaded the latest Nvidia offering and have experienced a 20% frame rate loss in OFF compared to my previous (and forgotten!) driver version number.


Rather then d/l and experiment with the dozens of driver versions available I hope someone here has found a driver "sweet spot."


Running an older (but quite serviceable) Nvidia 7950GT card if anyone else has this card still. Also on Windows XP.


Edit: Oops...can't fix my spelling error in the post title.

Edited by DukeIronHand

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Dumb question in that I know there are a hundred variables and everyone's system is different but...


What Nvidia driver do you find gives the best performance for OFF?


Downloaded the latest Nvidia offering and have experienced a 20% frame rate loss in OFF compared to my previous (and forgotten!) driver version number.


Rather then d/l and experiment with the dozens of driver versions available I hope someone here has found a driver "sweet spot."


Running an older (but quite serviceable) Nvidia 7950GT card if anyone else has this card still. Also on Windows XP.


Edit: Oops...can't fix my spelling error in the post title.




I am now an ATI man, but my last machine used Nvidia (8600), however I still download the Nvidia drivers for my friend who does not have the internet, he has a 9400.


Anyway, I believe that Nvidia have dropped support for all but the newest 400 and 500 series cards with their latest drivers.


I have just checked the nvidia website and their newest drivers do seem to support the 7950 - however they may have stopped adding tweaks for those cards.


Apologies for the rambling, but as a final thought try using the rollback feature in control panel to get your old driver back.




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I have an 8800 card and am running driver 182.06 with good results.

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I have an 8800 card and am running driver 182.06 with good results.


Maybe I will give that one a try. Did try 197.45 and experienced graphics anomalies (blue terrain squares) and popping clouds for he first time.


And Rugbyfan1972 you are certainly correct. I have long assumed that any direct driver support for my card is done but always try new ones once in a while in the OCD quest for perfect OFF graphics. And I can't rollback because of another OCD thing of mine- unneeded file deletion. :grin:


I must forced myself to accept that newer is not always better!

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When I was running my 8800GTX, after trying several newer drivers, I always came back to 260.99 WHQL. It seemed to work best for me.



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When I was running my 8800GTX, after trying several newer drivers, I always came back to 260.99 WHQL. It seemed to work best for me.




Just d/l'ed the 182.06. I d/l the 260.99's and give them a shot also. In looking at the list those may be the ones I was using previously.


Then maybe I'll just play the damn game and stop obsessing.


Thank you gentleman!

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Whatever works best with the games you play most......but if it aint broke, don't fix it.





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Whatever works best with the games you play most......but if it aint broke, don't fix it.






Boy - I could get back about 3 years of my life if I could just follow that advice!


cptroyce - Interesting that the 197.45's worked fine for you. Those did not work well for me as previously stated. I can see why software programmers/hardware designers get gray hair trying to make PC games work.


So far the 260.99's seem to be best for my system though interestingly (or perhaps not) I really do not see a huge difference in any of them. Nor does changing any of the card settings in the control panel or cfs3config.exe settings as I discussed in a previous post. All the more reason to stop goofing and play...least till my new computer arrives. :lol:


EDIT: See we posted at the same time Major - maybe I'll try those if I experience any more trouble. Some of my programs (ME2 for one) needs older drivers to avoid graphic issues.

Edited by DukeIronHand

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