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OT: Almost the whole Truth about Monty Python's Flying Circus

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...and now for something completely different


I have said it several times before: humour is not really a German invention and had to be imported.

Fortunately, German TV decided to import high quality comedy from the motherland of humour: England.

Not long after Monty Python's Flying Circus had been broadcasted in Great Britain, their shows all got

presented to the German households, with mixed reactions.

While some (mostly the elder people) thought, that this was the end of any civilisation, brought to us

Germans by the obviously totally crazy British (one had known it all the time: people who drive on the

LEFT side of the road! Just weird!!), the younger people received it as a most entertaining form of total

anarchy. Not the punks invented that, but as early as 1969, it was cultivated by Monty Python's Flying

Circus. They didn't stop anywhere and by making fun out of them they brought people and organisations

down to human size. Be that politicians, upper class people, Royals or religious organisations - no one

was safe from their sometimes biting, but always spot-on humour.


A special achievement was, that all this got produced and broadcast through the good old BBC, who's

program directors prefered to go to their clubs early instead of watching some of the stuff. They only got

a bit funny and careful after the first season had already been sent. Thank you, BBC, for your liberalism!

And thank you, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle and Terry Giliam,

for these wonderful "British Care Packages of Humour".

There may be still quite some way to go, but you got us on the right way!

Three cheers and a toast on Monty Python's!!!


For all you British, Americans, Canadians and Australians I may be "carrying coal to Newcastle" here,

but it had to be said once and for all.

And as we had the "Spanish Inquisition" only recently, I chose two other of their great sketches here:



Edited by Olham

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I've this documentary in DVD. It's an important piece to any Monty Python fan.

Monty Python have been part of my life since I was 10 years old. Never forget the moment that I saw for the first time "The Funniest Joke in the World" sketch.

They were the best and still are the best.

To all Monty's :drinks:.

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The documentary is broadcasted at the moment on the French-German Channel, I just saw it yesterday after "MP and the Holy Grail". I'm still crazy about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!!


Little joke on the morning: "What is the difference between German humour and Jewish humour? Humour!"

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ARTE is one of the two best TV programs here. They announce every coming event in French

and in German, and even these "advertisings" for films or documentaries are little works of art.


"What is the difference between German humour and Jewish humour? Humour!"

The Jews can laugh quite well about themselves, which the Germans still find a bit hard to do.

One reason maybe the younger history? But hey, we are learning.

Edited by Olham

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Yes...I recommend a daily dose of Python...it get's me through the Day.....one of my favourite clips (especially as my nickname is 'Squiffy')


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I also LOVE that headquarter office sketch after the pilot banter.

The enemy not taking the war seriously, wearing little silver halos and fairy wands with big stars on,

and spiders in matchboxes; dropping cabbage instead of bombs - each time I see that bit, it makes

me laugh tears. Brilliant!!!

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My favourite MP sketch... "the funniest joke in the world"


Edited by Davy TASB

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I hope they didn't also study the video of self-defense against fruit!


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All classics gents! :drinks:

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Love 'em all. The MP boys, (and Carol), are still in my top five favs of "British" humour.



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"I'm here for an argument."


"No you're not."


"Yes, I am!"


"No, you're not!"



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Edited by Lewie

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Oh, deaaaaaaaaaaarrr!!!!! Now my whole body hurts! Aches? Ah, whatever....

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Whats a Monty Python thread without spam?

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Those Vikings singing the "Spam-Song" are just hilarious!!! :rofl:

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MP and Carol have seen me through the various phases of my life... and they are currently on tour (well the music etc) with me in Austria where we are riding on the wrong right side of the road... if you get my meaning...



As its Monday... :drinks:

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