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Someone can create a model about the US Navy Seals so is possible use with ODS mod or with the Afghanistan terrain.Thank you



Ice Man


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why not just use the infantry squad we alrady have, slightly reskinned, and call them 'NavySeals'??? We've been re-tasking them for years as various different usages (even in my Himilaya terrain rebuild, they're "Yeti_Squad"!!)


simple, quick data ini edits can replace the Soviet weapons with western. nothing to it



kevin stein

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Don´t forget the India/Pakistan terrain! A few SEALs in the city of Abbottabad are a must have! :rofl:

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ummm...I don't think I put the city there ... scaling issues with these cursed tiles, doncha know! (of course, you could put it at the north edge of Islamabad)

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ummm...I don't think I put the city there ... scaling issues with these cursed tiles, doncha know! (of course, you could put it at the north edge of Islamabad)

Doh! Now you caught me! Haven´t checked that before posting! :oops:

But your hint with the north edge of Islamabad sounds good! :grin:

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I think someone in the "Argintine" community may have some fauland era commandos in balaclava masks,they might be useful.They might be in one of the fauland campaigns or may not even have been released.not sure.

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I think someone in the "Argintine" community may have some fauland era commandos in balaclava masks,they might be useful.They might be in one of the fauland campaigns or may not even have been released.not sure.


Suicidal did ;)

its in D/L section

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