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Set A Goal For Single Missions

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Never have been too keen on flying a campaign so this time around I set a goal of 25 missions or Rank of 0-5 all to be flown in one airframe. For SPF1 and WoI it's the HH-60F in in Timor and Afgahnistan flying anti-ship and armed recce and and in WoV it's the UH-1B HA(L)-3 Seawolves doing armed recce, CAS and once in a while a strike. Even with both threats set to "light" it has not been easy in a helo. In A2A the only thing in a Huey you can do is fly low, do sudden direction and altitude changes and hope the NVAF pilot overshoots and hits the ground it has happened a few times. Also I use a doctrine form HAL-5 turn head on 2 seconds of mini-gun and punch a couple of 2.72" rockets, sometimes I get lucky and get a kill. In the 60 I just turn on the jammers, pop the ALE-39's and turn into the attack. If I stay low enough or lurk in the hills the bad guys will have a "controlled impact into terrain". I don't get the kill, but they don't bother me anymore either.

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Gosh, I haven't even tried a helo, I'm having a hard enough time in an F-18! These SAMs are killin' me. I'm lucky to survive a strike mission without sitting at 35,000 feet dropping JDAMs.

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If the MiG dont getcha the Guideline will.

Just carried out a low level escort mission, playing the beef for two Netzes. Damn SAMs near ran me out of airspace and fuel. Had to ditch in the kibbutz.

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Gosh, I haven't even tried a helo, I'm having a hard enough time in an F-18! These SAMs are killin' me. I'm lucky to survive a strike mission without sitting at 35,000 feet dropping JDAMs.


In WoV I use the Ground and Air mod, if you fly helos in the South it's not SAM's that you have to worry about, it's small arms and .51cal ground fire. If it's just small arms I stay above 1000' and dive into my target, any bullet larger than 7.62 then I have to be constantly changing heading and altitude as well as speed to spoil the AI's aim. If you haven't done a helo mission do a CAS one. Since I fly in the South I set my enemy aircraft to "light" as well as the air defenses. Don't let that fool you I lost two pilots to 7.62mm ground fire their first flights out. Also set the year anywhere from 1968-1971, the flight to and from are painfully boring, the 15 minutes in the combat zone are...interesting.

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You do well there - even in the A-1J/H spad going near any green tracers is almost guaranteed damage in SF1 and 2! Note that in SF2 the enemy AI is significantly better at dealing with slow targets!

Edited by MigBuster

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You do well there - even in the A-1J/H spad going near any green tracers is almost guaranteed damage in SF1 and 2! Note that in SF2 the enemy AI is significantly better at dealing with slow targets!


Took a hell of a lot of damage when i was flying SPADs. I figure that perhaps on six occasions, i would have been gone for sure if i was in any other aircraft.


People should be advised. Get too low and slow and you can even draw RPG fire!

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