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Proper Terminology/Phraseolgy Of Ordnance And Equipment

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Having spent all but 3 of my twenty years in the Navy as an Aviation Ordnanceman it drives me up the wall to see a post using the wrong terms and phrases dealing with weapons. Having said that I am starting a list of terminology, acronyms and other big words used in the ordnance field. If you are an AO, USMC 6531 Ordnance, AF Ammo or Army whatever, feel free to add. If you are not in the Ordnance field just read and don't post, the Ordnance Mafia knows who is who.


Stores - anything carried internally (bomb bay) or externally on an aircraft. Drop tanks are considered stores but do not have an offensive use ( unless it lands in your backyard) More to follow...


Kill stores- any type or class of weapon that is used with hostile intent.


Search stores- Primarily air launched flares but also includes air launched Sono-bouys, , Practice Depth Charges or externally mounted search lights.


Store station- any point on an airframe that a store can be carried, this includes pylons, wing tip rails and missile mounts on the fuselage


Pylon- a station that is mounted on the wing or fuselage to carry stores


Class- a family of weapons either by type or weight as in Mk 82 class weapon, the Mk 82 bomb body is the basis of many weapons ie: Snakeye, AGM-123 Skipper and Mk 36 DST mine.


Mk- Pronounced "mark" not "em-kay" it denotes in this case a series or family or ordnance (saying em-kay usually makes an Ordie want to choke the living s**t out of the offender)


Pyro- Pyrotechnics_ flares, chaff, smoke markers, CADs, anything that is used to mark (designate) or illuminate a target, decoy/spoof tracking systems or missiles, eject or release stores.


PGM- Precision Guided Munition, Laser Guided Bomb, JADAM, JSOW


Unguided/Dumb munitions- Rockets, general purpose bombs, napalm. Weapons that rely on the pilots skill to place stores on target. Usually refered to as 'Kentucky Windage" . To get accurate spend lots of time on the range.


Area Effect Munitions- Cluster bombs, napalm, white phosphorous, weapons that cover a wide area of engagement. Note: these are not accurate but are able to spread their effect in order to achieve maximum damage. The store designated "Lazy Dog" is a canister of "nails" that uses gravity and it's carrying aircraft's speed to achieve lethal velocity, the nails are non-explosive.


FAE- Fuel Air Explosive, a weapon that uses the blast from a cloud of fuel to make a kill by overpressure, usually amplifying the normal air pressure by a factor of at least 10. Early FAEs used Ethylene-Oxide as it's explosive component.


Blue Death- a training round, painted blue for use on a range. Note: although it is classified as inert the body of the store can incorporate a marker can make the weapon harmful to anyone that fails to follow proper procedures. Historical Note: Blue Death was used in an offensive capacity in the period between the two conflicts with Iran, the bomb bodies were fitted with Laser seekers and used against soft targets placed next to schools, houses, or hospitals. you can take out a radar site by dropping a 500lb rock on it.


Thats all for now, Ordies/Ammo Troops please add as you like or PM me for corrections.


Last one-

IYAOYAS- If You Ain't Ordnance, You Ain't Sh**!!!:cool:

Edited by firehawkordy

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What about "department stores" ? :grin:


In Aviation Ordnance there is only one department, the MEN'S department!:drinks:


I knew one of you guys would make a post like this.

Edited by firehawkordy

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TLAR... is missing as well... as in


That looks about right...





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I'm not an AO so I guess I'm not s&it then.

On topic with stores.

Do these TERs make me look fat?














































This works on all our WOX Skyraiders.

Take Charge and Carry Out The Plan of The Day.

:drinks: CL

Edited by charlielima

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