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Flyby PC

OT Tom and Jerry

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Anybody here watch Tom and Jerry as a kid?


We're having an argument here trying to remember which cartoon episode featues Tom taking to the air using a coffee table as an aeroplane, and flies around the room. So it is OT, but still flight related. Kind of. (The argument was what episode was the best ever Tom and Jerry).


I cant remember if he shoots something as a machine gun, but I think he drops either 2 bowling ball bombs or water melon bombs, - but I just cant remember.


This episode is not to be mixed up with the one where the budgie drops a bowling ball in front of Tom as he drives a train to run over Jerry.


Anybody Tom and Jerry aficianados out there and happy to put us out of our misery? I've run through an episode guide, but none of them mention it. It's just niggling me now. Can't sleep at nights, don't eat, can't concentrate on anything, short tempered, .... I have to know. :dntknw:

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Can't help with the episode..but used to love the series!...poor old Tom!....you have to admire his staying power!

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i have the complete dvd boxes with every episode which was ever aired. i remember the episode. from the top of my head it is one of the very earliest episodes which took place during ww2. (yes, the early episodes are really old). jerry was kind of soldier who had to defend a shed or something. i think this episode you won't see anymore in normal tv because it's kind of banned, at least in germany. in this episode tom explodes or something and for a moment looks like hitler with his small mustashe and haircut. and also in this episode he kind of flies something and drops some kind of bombs. although there are more episodes where he flies something.

at least in germany nowadays many episodes are banned or cut. like when he explodes and looks like an african or something or he got smashed into a lamp and looks like the cliche of a chinese etc. everythinkg has to be politically correct to german standarts.


i grew up with tom &jerry and i love them still to this day. great humour and weigh beyond it's time. it was rather for adults than for children. the later seasons from 70ies on have been more and more ridiculous and children apropriate, but no more funny.

one of my favourite episodes is e.G. texas tom. or where the injuries keep going the whole episodes instead of the instant healing as usually, like when he burned his head and the whole episode wears a red toupet. there are many i simply love. but mostly from the first two or three seasons.

and there are indeed some episodes where tom is winning :good:

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Flyby, you are talking about the episode "Triplet Trouble" and it is a hoot! Here it is for you Sir:


Tom and Jerry "Triplet Trouble"


And speaking of T&J and aeroplanes, don't forget the very first one, where Jerry flys around in an egg box bombing Tom with lightbulbs, which is the one I believe you are referring to Creaghorn:



Classic stuff, and my brothers and I grew up watching these, and Bugs and Daffy and the entrie WB lot, along with Woody Woodpecker and all the Hanna Barbera toons as well. Good times...good times.



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No kidding it's for adults! A few years ago I sat down with my then three year old son and saw Tom & Jerry was on. I hadn't seen it in a bazillion years and thought "this will be great to watch with him." WRONG. The plot of the episode was each tried to murder the other. That was it. Knives, guns, an axe, even a noose. Now, I'm not morally opposed but it wasn't something a three year old was going to understand! I distracted him during the worst of it but quickly had to admit defeat and just shut off the set.

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I must disagree that they were for adults. My generation grew up watching those cartoons and I don't recall any of us thinking we could take an axe to our little brother and chop him up, only to have him fine again a second later. Big difference between cartoon violence and graphic, "real" violence as seen so often these days in nearly every media. I was far more impacted by the nightly news showing war images from Viet Nam than I ever was by Wile E. Coyote falling off that cliff every week.



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Thanks fellas. Peace of mind at last.


Such a shame Tom and Jerry isn't pc these days. Quite sure it never did me any harm.


Didn't matter what you were doing, but it stopped when Tom and Jerry came on TV.

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Such a shame Tom and Jerry isn't pc these days. Quite sure it never did me any harm.

There is quite a collection of cartoons that are no longer allowed to be shown anymore. Not just Hannah/Barbera, but Warner Brothers (Bugs Bunny, et. al.), and even Disney, too (http://www.rotten.com/library/culture/banned-cartoons/). Most of the patriotic/propaganda cartoons from WWII are way off limits. As are most that contain steriotypical depictions of minorities. *Sigh* Now who's left that can we make fun of? Just my flying skills...

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why there's nobody saw the woman's face in tom & jerry ?

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I agree part of the T & Js were kid oriented but no question they--as well as Merry Melodies--realized their audience also contained adults, simply because of all the puns, double entendre and Fourth Wall breaches employed throughout; no toddler is going to catch that. That and the recollection that Merry Melodies were originally made to be shown in theatres before movies and not many three year olds were going to see adult films. I stand by my belief that the violence is too strong for a three year old; even I wasn't watching them at 3 years old. I also didn't watch Bugs Bunny or the news about Vietnam at that age. But at, say, 8? Different story. But no question T & J is violent; look at the Simpson's "Itchy and Scratchy"; blatant spoof on T & J's violence. BTW, they aren't always "fine" after being knifed or hanged or shot or run over or blown up; several episodes have them dead. I'm not saying it's wrong if you guys want to or did have your three year olds watch that stuff; it's up to you and I'm not concerned about it at all. Today my guys are older (6 and 8) and intellectually well able to (and do) understand it's all a bunch of make believe nonsense.


Is T & J not PC? I see them on TV quite frequently. You're probably right, though, as I own several Bugs Bunny/Merry Melodies DVDs and at the beginning of each disc Whoopie Goldberg comes out and explains how things were different back then and certain character potrayals are "wrong." When she appears I have the fast-forward click down to about .00005 milliseconds.

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The same draconian views that banned Punk Rock, Heavy Metal and Dungeons and Dragons!...I bet most of the 'censors' are old Women! :grin:

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I agree part of the T & Js were kid oriented but no question they--as well as Merry Melodies--realized their audience also contained adults, simply because of all the puns, double entendre and Fourth Wall breaches employed throughout; no toddler is going to catch that. That and the recollection that Merry Melodies were originally made to be shown in theatres before movies and not many three year olds were going to see adult films. I stand by my belief that the violence is too strong for a three year old; even I wasn't watching them at 3 years old. I also didn't watch Bugs Bunny or the news about Vietnam at that age. But at, say, 8? Different story. But no question T & J is violent; look at the Simpson's "Itchy and Scratchy"; blatant spoof on T & J's violence. BTW, they aren't always "fine" after being knifed or hanged or shot or run over or blown up; several episodes have them dead. I'm not saying it's wrong if you guys want to or did have your three year olds watch that stuff; it's up to you and I'm not concerned about it at all. Today my guys are older (6 and 8) and intellectually well able to (and do) understand it's all a bunch of make believe nonsense.


Is T & J not PC? I see them on TV quite frequently. You're probably right, though, as I own several Bugs Bunny/Merry Melodies DVDs and at the beginning of each disc Whoopie Goldberg comes out and explains how things were different back then and certain character potrayals are "wrong." When she appears I have the fast-forward click down to about .00005 milliseconds.


Jim, I agree completely that 3 is too young to be watching these cartoons and/or violent news broadcasts, and my apologies for missing that point in your initial post. Also, those old cartoons were most assuredly made for adults as well, as you have noted very well. My folks used to sit and watch them right along with my brothers and I back in the day.



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I don't see how anyone could possibly be 'Offended' by this...can you?



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It's not what you say that offends people, it's meaning to offend somebody by saying it which really hurts.


I don't believe Tom and Jerry ever meant to offend anybody, nor promote violence, nor do anything other than provide 5 minutes entertainment and light relief. A lot of them are 60 years old now, I've seen them over and over, and I still laugh like a drain. Took all of 2 seconds in Triplet Trouble when Tom's got Jerry tied to the table tennis bat. And when I watch it again it will still be funny.



Edit. - People go on about the teletubbies being brilliant because even though they don't speak kid's who speak Spanish get the same story as kids speaking German etc. Big deal, the Clangers were doing that in 1969, - but it was also entertaining. (But that might have been because the soup dragon was always swearing, - well seemed that way to me). :grin:

Edited by Flyby PC

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