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Yes it seems to be working quite well now, have adjusted the curves to get a better view to the rear. From a very short test it seems that FacetrackNoir also works with my other WW1 air combat sim, First Eagles 2, using the OFF profile I think. Great stuff!

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Hello everybody,


I have done everything as you said

I first tried fs2004, no joy.

I don't get any movement in the game.


Could you please help me...


I have also cliffs of dover... No joy either...


i hope to hear from you soon..



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Hi Robert,


First things first: does FaceTrackNoIR run and do you get the video-display with yellow lines around your face? Then you're really close.


For FS2004 you need FSUIPC.dll to be in the right folder. You'll have to set 'game Protocol' to FSUIPC, click the appearing "Settings" button and define the location of the DLL.

For Cliffs of Dover, you need to select the fake-TrackIR protocol.


Did you assign a short-key for start/stop? Sometimes it helps to press this a few times...

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Hello, there.


TrackNoir runs and i do see the yellow lines around my face.


I can not set the game protocol to FSUIPC.. There is fs2002/fs2004 as game protocol.

When i select that in settings it shows the path to fsuipc.dll.

I must be doing something wrong.....

Thanks already in advance for your help..





Hi Robert,


First things first: does FaceTrackNoIR run and do you get the video-display with yellow lines around your face? Then you're really close.


For FS2004 you need FSUIPC.dll to be in the right folder. You'll have to set 'game Protocol' to FSUIPC, click the appearing "Settings" button and define the location of the DLL.

For Cliffs of Dover, you need to select the fake-TrackIR protocol.


Did you assign a short-key for start/stop? Sometimes it helps to press this a few times...

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Cliffs of Dover works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is smooth.... Just gotta make sure i don't get seasick.....


WOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, it is incredible....!!!


now still fsx and fs2004.....

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FSX also works now. I just can't seem to zoom in an sometimes i sit in the backseat of the plane.......lol...


just fs2004 won't work.....





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sometimes i sit in the backseat of the plane.......lol...

Hi Robert,


Did you also install the fix for 1.5? The issue you describe seems familiar...

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Hi Robert,


Did you also install the fix for 1.5? The issue you describe seems familiar...



Yes i have, but i found the solution.

I pressed the center kjey, and it is fine now..


thanks again

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Finally got this partially working on my system.


Using Xbox Live Vision Cam (had to tinker w/ drivers to get the camera to work with the correct resolution). (640x480).


It worked a few times, but i stepped away and it lost track and then it stopped working


other than that, my main problem is one of the AXIS is inverted, checking the Invert box doesnt do anything,


So In Strike Fighters 2, when I look up, the camera looks down, and when I look down the Camera Looks Up.


other than that and the mis-track issue, I also have a 25-70% CPU usuage on my 6000+ x2 (which one be a problem when my new system is done FX8150.)


anyone have any settings suggestions to help with tracking stability and inverting the one axis (i think its Y)

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Hi all guys, I'm new here, that's my first post.
I've bought some days ago Over Flanders Fields, still waiting that arrives via mail, so I decided to play it using FreeTracknoIR.

This system is wonderful, I've tried it with FSX, but, even following all your helps, with CFS3 it doesn't work at all. So, I think it wont works not even with OFF. Someone can help me?

I've already tried all those steps:
-Installed facetracknoir 1.70, but I can't find protocol "fake tracknoir"

-Disinstalled 1.70, installed 1.60, charged overflandersfields.ini and placed NPclients from old version and TIRviews.dll in the main folder TrackNoIR (I think the name of the folder is something like "Abbequerque"), then ticked the dummy faketrack and the "use tirviews.dll". The result is that doesn't work.

-Disinstalled 1.60, installed 1.30, placed all the files in the right place once again, but still doesn't work.

I don't know what to do. As I've said, with FSX work perfectly. Someone have an idea to help me? Thanks

Edited by Ulfur

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I can't help you but I'd sure like to welcome you!  Perhaps "V4" can help you sort it out.  You've found one of the most congenial groups of fellows (and maybe some gals, too!) on the net!  I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do; I'm sure Olham will be along shortly to offer to place you on his Pilot's map!  Happy flying!

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