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New version of the Aviatik-Berg D.1

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It seems that I made the Aviatik-Berg D.1 about 20% too large (thanks quack74 for spotting the mistake.) I have uploaded a revised version which is the correct size. This completely replaces the original plane. Since I was doing it, I put the correct guns in the cockpit. I have also included the FM made by ojcar, and the sound file made by Nix, which were not in the original version.


The skins made by quack74 will still work with this plane, but the decals will be in the wrong place. I have sent him a new decals.ini which he is checking.


I apologize for the mistake.



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Stephen 1918, this seems like a particularly fitting opportunity to thank you for the really outstanding models of less well known aircraft you so generously provided for us all. Your efforts have helped provide new interest and enthusiasm within the FE community at a time when it seemed that interest might be fading.


Thanks again.

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thanks for the fix,it's funny how in this day and age your get better customer support from someone who is giving you something for free than you do from companies gouging you for thousands ;) thank you very much.

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I too thank you for making these great contibutions to the First Eagles community. You are filling in some big holes that have been left open for many, many years. :good:

Edited by Panama Red

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Thank you all for your comments. I really enjoy doing this.


We also have to thank everyone who has been helping me make these planes - ojcar, quack74, and nix - as well as everyone who has commented and helped with the details of the planes.


As for the mistakes, if I make them, I need to fix them, that's what people do.

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